Issue - meetings

Award of a Pre-Contract Service Agreement to develop the designs for the new Balgores Special School

Meeting: 09/10/2024 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Award of a Pre-Contract Service Agreement to develop the designs for the new Balgores Special School pdf icon PDF 172 KB

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Cabinet agreed:



1.    To award preferred bidder status for a 2 stage construction contract for the construction of Balgores Special School to Galliford Try Ltd; and


2.    To award Galliford Try Ltd a stage 1 Pre Contract Service Agreement (PCSA) for the development of the designs  associated with the new school at a value of  2,328,096.



Cabinet noted that:


1.    The PCSA contract length is anticipated at 51 weeks.


2.    Following completion of services under the PCSA, a further report will be brought to Cabinet with a recommendation for award of a construction contract at Stage 2.




Report: Award of a Pre-Contract Service Agreement to develop the designs for the new Balgores Special School.


Presented by: Councillor Paul McGeary, Cabinet Member for Housing & Property




A report detailed the procurement process to appoint a developer to design and offer firm price for the delivery of the new  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5