Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/07/2024 - Council (Item 18)


Notice of intention to present a petition has been received from Councillor Julie Wilkes (Councillor Stephanie Nunn to present the petition on behalf of Councillor Wilkes) and from Councillor Dilip Patel (two petitions).


To receive any other petition presented pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 23.


Received from Councillor Stephanie Nunn re the closure of Elm Park Library and two from Councillor Dilip Patel re closure of Collier Row Library from Parklands School and Crownfield School.


The following petitions were received:


From Councillor Stephanie Nunn re the closure of Elm Park Library.


Two petitions from Councillor Dilip Patel re the closure of Collier Row Library from Parklands School and Crownfield School.