Issue - meetings
Havering Wates Regeneration LLP - 2024-2026 Business Plan Update
Meeting: 05/02/2025 - Cabinet (Item 56)
56 Havering Wates Regeneration LLP - In-Year Review of 2023/24 Business Plan PDF 858 KB
Additional documents:
- 10.1 EXEMPT HWR2 Havering and Wates Regeneration JV Business Plan and Budget 2024-2025 - EXEMPT APPENDIX Final , View reasons restricted (56/2)
1. Noted The Strategic Director of Place will bring forward a report proposing the use of Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) powers for the Chippenham Road development. This report will detail the necessity of invoking CPO powers to acquire outstanding land interests.
2. Delegated authority for the Strategic Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Development and Regeneration, to agree on and thereafter submit, accept and utilise grant funding bids to support the 12 Sites regeneration programme.
3. Approved the revised approach to proceed with a Council-led scheme prioritising the development of Blocks 9, and 10, along with a temporary energy centre, as part of Phase 1 of the Waterloo and Queen Street programme.
4. Delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Place to make variations to any of the joint venture agreements, as necessary, to implement the recommendations contained in this report.
5. Noted that the HWR JV Business Plan document will be presented to Cabinet in Q1 2025/26.
Report: Havering and Wates Regeneration LLP Business Plan and Budget Update 2024/2025
Presented by: Councillor Graham Williamson, Cabinet Member for Development and Regeneration
Summary: (response to Overview & Scrutiny comment, at end of this summary)
This report provided an update on the 12 Estates Programme. Financial data within this paper utilises ... view the full minutes text for item 56