Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/09/2020 - Crime & Disorder Sub- Committee (Item 3)


Report attached.


The report before Members provided information on performance against the indicators previously requested by the Crime and Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee during Quarter 1 (1 April to 30 June 2020)


The report detailed Response time to Immediate (I) and Significant (S) Grade Incidents.


The report showed the weekly response times for quarter 1 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. Havering had seen a 0.73% reduction in response times for I grade calls during this period. The Havering average was above the BCU average of 83.35%.


In respect of S calls the weekly response times for quarter 1 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. Havering had seen a 2.54% reduction in response times for S calls during this period. The Havering average of 77.68% was above the BCU average of 71.12%.


Havering has seen a 33.2% reduction in Non DA VWI during qtr.1 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, a reduction of 94 crimes.


From 26 March, the start of COVID19  lockdown, which included restricting the movement and gathering of people and an immediate closure of all licensed premises resulting in a reduction in alcohol related violence in Romford Town Centre.


In relation to violence Havering had seen a 33.2% reduction in Non Domestic violence during qtr.1 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, a reduction of 94 crimes.


From 23 March, the start of Covid=19  lockdown, which included restricting the movement and gathering of people and an immediate closure of all licensed premises resulting in a reduction in alcohol related violence in Romford town centre.


During lockdown many London boroughs had seen an increase in domestic abuse. To address this, Havering moved its DV MARAC to a weekly virtual meeting to ensure that risk was adequately managed.


The level of burglary experienced within Havering had reduced by 289 burglaries when comparing quarter 1 2020-21 to quarter 3 2019-20, a reduction of 56.5%


Residential burglary reduced during lockdown, as the majority of homes remained occupied as many people continued to work from home.  There had been a month on month rise as more people returned to the workplace.


The report concluded by detailing the level of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) calls the police experienced within Havering in quarter 1 of 2019-2020 compared to the same period in 2020-21. There had been an increase of 2680 ASB calls when comparing quarter 1 2020-21 to quarter 1 2019-20, an increase of 197%.


In response to a question relating to the early closing of pubs and restaurants adhering to the new 10.00pm closing time and compliance. The police and officers advised that compliance had been good and effective and there had been little issues of crime in town centres bit it was early days.


In relation to drug offences the police advised that due to new initiatives convictions for drug related violence had risen from 51 offences to 233.


The Sub-Committee noted the contents of the report.