Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/09/2020 - Towns & Communities Overview & Scrutiny Sub- Committee (Item 19)


Report and appendix attached.

Additional documents:


The report before Members set out the Council’s performance against indicators within the remit of the Towns and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee for Quarter 1 (April to June 2020).


Due to COVID-19, performance was not reported according to the original reporting schedule in order to prioritise service delivery. Performance for Quarter 4 2019/20 would be reported with Quarter 1 2020/21 to provide the opportunity to understand performance in this period.


Officers advised that it was important to note that though service delivery was returning to business as usual, there would be still be an impact on performance due to COVID-19.


Q4 19/20 Performance ratings were available for 10 of the 11 indicators. 3 were Red (off target), 1 was Amber and 6 were Green (on target)


Q1 20/21 Performance ratings were available for 10 of the 11 indicators. 2 were Red (off target), 1 was Amber and 7 were Green (on target)


Appended to the report was the data for 10 of the 11 indicators.


Officers advised that there had been no housing complaints in Q1 as the complaints reporting procedure had been suspended. The complaints procedure had re-started at the end of August.


Rent arrears for Council owned properties had gone up during the Q1 this had mainly been due to a very large number of tenants claiming Universal Credit for the first time and the five week delay for tenants to start receiving payments.


Void properties turnaround had improved vastly. The Council had stopped the letting of properties at the beginning of April as per Government guidance.


Officers advised that there was a new lettings plan in place. Normally the Council would let approximately 5 or 6 properties a week. The plan would up the number to 10 per week which would free up some space in the  temporary accommodation sector as it was expected that a number of evictions from privately rented properties would be happening over the coming weeks.


In response to a question relating to empty properties on the Waterloo Road estate, officers responded that people had been moved in to the properties but had now been moved out as demolition was due to commence in October.


At present the Council had access to approximately 20 properties in the private sector and approximately 50 units of Council owned stock.


Officers advised that during the lockdown the Government had changed the local housing allowance levels to a higher level so tenants could get their full rent paid by the housing element of Universal Credit. All new Universal Credit claimants had the option of having their housing element payable direct to their landlord.


Members also considered the performance indicators for major planning applications, minor planning applications and other planning applications


Members noted the contents of the report and appendix