Issue - meetings
Decision to Award a Contract for the 0 to 19 Healthy Child Programme
Meeting: 13/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 101)
101 Decision to Award a Contract for the 0 to 19 Healthy Child Programme PDF 439 KB
Report and appendices attached.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1. Additional Service Delivery for Additional Investment in the HCP, item 101
PDF 150 KB
- Appendix 2 PH Grant Income and Commitments 201920 to 202627, item 101
1. Approved of the award of a Healthy Child Programme (HCP) contract to North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT), for the reasons set out within the body of the report. The contract sum to be £23,797,000, for a period of five (5) years plus up to a further two (2) year extension period following a Best Value Review (within the meaning of Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1999) of the HCP service contract, with a start date of 1st April 2020.
2. Approved investment of an additional:
· £289k for year one of the contract
· £578k for year two of the contract
· £867k per annum for the remaining term of the contract
The full uplift will increase the annual value of the contract to £3.462m and thus fund the service at the minimum level necessary to deliver the HCP in full for children aged under 5.
The report presented to Cabinet asked for approval for a 5 year contract, with a 2 year extension option, for the provision of the Healthy Child Programme for 0-19 year olds from 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2025.
1. Approved the award of a Healthy Child ... view the full minutes text for item 101