Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/05/2019 - Council (Item 3)


(a)  To elect the Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2019/20.


(b)  To receive notice of the appointment of Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the municipal year 2019/20.



Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group


That Councillor Michael Deon Burton be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2019/20.


Motion on behalf of the Residents’ Group


That Councillor Barry Mugglestone be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2019/20.


Councillor Michael Deion Burton ELECTED as Mayor for the municipal year 2019/20 by 29 votes to 24.


Appointment of Councillor John Mylod as Deputy Mayor noted.


Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group


That Councillor Michael Deon Burton be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2019/20.


Motion on behalf of the Residents’ Group


That Councillor Barry Mugglestone be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2019/20.


The motion on behalf of the Conservative Group was AGREED by 29 votes to 24 (see division 1) and Councillor Michael Deon Burton was therefore ELECTED as Mayor for the municipal year 2019/20.


Councillor Michael Deon Burton, having made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Mayor as required by the Local Government act 1972, then took the Chair and thanked the council for the honour bestowed upon them.


Council Deon Burton expressed the thanks of the Council to the outgoing Mayor – Councillor Dilip Patel for his services during 2018/19. Councillor Patel suitably replied.