Issue - meetings

Corporate Performance Report

Meeting: 28/02/2019 - Crime & Disorder Sub- Committee (Item 17)


Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee received a report that set out a brief background to the Modern Slavery Act 2015, outlined the duties it placed on local authorities and specified different types of modern day slavery.  The report provided a brief account of what was happening in Havering and the wider London context along with plans for next steps.


Members were taken through the presentation, and were advised that Hestia had supported 524 individuals of modern slavery in London in 2015, 624 in 2016 and 870 adults and 315 dependent children in 2017.  The Metropolitan Police’s Anti-Slavery Unit reported the number of suspected victims of modern slavery to have risen to 1,715 in 2017; a 70% increase compared to 2016.


In 2016, 46 individuals accessed Hestia’s services in Newham, 34 in the Barking and Dagenham, 31 in Redbridge and 8 in Havering.  There was an increase across all the East London Boroughs of individuals accessing the services.  The key area of concern for Havering related to young people being exploited into criminality and selling drugs.


A Modern Day Slavery working group had been established under the governance of the Safeguarding Boards, with its membership drawn from a wide range of council departments.  An infographic of referral pathways was being drawn up to include routes for Housing Services and Children and Adult Safeguarding teams, and this would inform external and internal referrers.


A corporate Modern Day Slavery Strategy and Policy would be developed and members req     uested an all member briefing once the strategy had been approved. 




That the Sub-Committee noted the report.