Issue - meetings

oneSource update for April 2018

Meeting: 20/04/2018 - oneSource Joint Committee (Item 29)

29 oneSource update for April 2018 pdf icon PDF 107 KB

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The report updated committee members on a number of oneSource developments.


In respect of the oneSource Integrated Plan, workstreams emerging from the Transition to Trading Programme plus those from the previous oneSource Transformation Plan had been incorporated and were set out in an appendix to the report. It was noted that a report would be presented to a future meeting of the Joint Committee to allow full consideration of oneSource's overall strategic direction of travel. The pilot reports on Passenger Transport and Health & Safety would also be presented as part of that report.


Concerning senior officer appointments, Sean Harriss had been appointed as the new oneSource Interim Chief Executive. Sarah Chaudhry would also be joining oneSource as Director of Asset Management from mid April.


It was reported that Caroline Nugent would be leaving oneSource in mid-May. A campaign to recruit a new HR Director would commence imminently.


Finally, in respect of commercial developments, oneSource continues to be awarded work by partner authorities (most notably Newham small businesses) and externally by other local authorities.


OneSource was shortlisted for the second year running for the Best Service Delivery Model award at the Local Government Chronical Awards in March 2018 and for the HR Distinction Awards for the “Supplier Led HR Innovation & Collaboration” award for the Day One Sickness project with Medigold.


The Joint Committee noted the report.