Issue - meetings
Selection and Appointment of a Joint Venture Partner to Deliver the London Borough of Havering's Estate Regeneration Programme
Meeting: 24/01/2018 - Council (Item 70)
To consider a report of Cabinet on 12 HRA sites JV procurement – entering into a Limited Liability Partnership (attached, subject to approval by Cabinet).
Additional documents:
- 12 estates doc 1, item 70 PDF 583 KB
- 12 estates EXEMPT doc 2 , View reasons restricted (70/3)
- 12 estates doc 3, item 70 PDF 1 MB
- 12 estates doc 4, item 70 PDF 215 KB
- 12 estates doc 5, item 70 PDF 167 KB
- 12 estates doc 6, item 70 PDF 175 KB
- 12 estates doc 7 84RegenerationSitesDemographicprofile, item 70 PDF 612 KB
- 12 estates doc 8 85HousingRegenerationGeneralNeedsandShelteredEqualityImpactAssessments, item 70 PDF 799 KB
- 12 estates doc 9 86CompletionsSchedule, item 70 PDF 94 KB
- 12 estates doc 10 87RedLineBoundaries, item 70 PDF 5 MB
- 12 estates doc 11 88DecantSchedule, item 70 PDF 71 KB
- 12 estates doc 12 89HousingServicesAssetManagementStrategy, item 70 PDF 20 KB
- 12 estates doc 13 810HousingRegenerationProgrammeConsultationandCommunicationStrategy, item 70 PDF 101 KB
- 12 estates doc 14 811ConsultationUpdateDecember2017, item 70 PDF 221 KB
- 12 estates doc 15 81212SiteRegenerationRisks, item 70 PDF 97 KB
- 12 estates doc 16 813Summaryof12SiteRegenerationSensitivities, item 70 PDF 98 KB
- 12 estates doc 17 814LegalconsiderationinrelationtotheoverarchingJVLLPLBHavering080118, item 70 PDF 377 KB
- 12 estates doc 18 1PriorInformationNotice110317, item 70 PDF 79 KB
- 12 estates doc 19 2LBHaveringMOI120517, item 70 PDF 361 KB
- 12 estates doc 20 3HaveringEstateRegenerationPartnerSQ, item 70 PDF 97 KB
- 12 estates doc 21 4LBH12SitesRegenerationProcurementITPD, item 70 PDF 533 KB
- 12 estates doc 22 5LBH12SitesRegenerationProcurementITCD, item 70 PDF 376 KB
- 12 estates doc 23 6LBH12SitesRegenerationProcurementISFT, item 70 PDF 431 KB
- 12 estates doc 24 816IndicativeEstateRegenerationBudget, item 70 PDF 85 KB
- 12 estates doc 25 817SalesandMarketingStrategy, item 70 PDF 157 KB
- 12 estates doc 26 818RegenerationPack, item 70 PDF 715 KB
- 12 estates doc 27 819WaterlooRoadNewsletterUpdateAUG16, item 70 PDF 1 MB
- 12 estates doc 28 819WaterlooRoadNewsletterUpdateNOV16, item 70 PDF 994 KB
- Supp agenda 2 - Council agenda item 8, item 70 PDF 77 KB
- 180124 minutes appx 2 - item 8 - response to question, item 70 PDF 60 KB
One question on report responded to.
Report AGREED by 34 votes to 14.
A report of Cabinet gave details of the outcome of the review of the procurement process for the regeneration of 12 sites that had been previously agreed by Cabinet. The report also sought approval from Cabinet on the award pf Preferred Bidder status, summarised the rationale for the venture and provided information on the consultation and procurement process. The report was agreed by Cabinet at its meeting on 17 January 2018.
A question on the report by the Residents’ Group and a response by the Leader of the Council are shown as appendix 2 to these minutes.
The report was AGREED by 34 votes to 14 (see division 2) and it was RESOLVED:
To make an application to the Secretary of State, where required, for the disposal of property and land (the precise areas of land to be decided by the Lead Member for Housing after consultation with the Director of Neighbourhoods) under section 32(2) of the Housing Act 1985.