Issue - meetings

P0433.17 - 36 COLLIER ROW LANE

Meeting: 29/06/2017 - Planning Committee (Item 267)

267 P0433.17 - 36 COLLIER ROW LANE pdf icon PDF 186 KB


The proposal before Members was for the demolition of the existing garages and erection of five two storey-houses on land to the rear of 36, 38 & 40 Collier Row Lane.


Members noted that the application had been called-in by Councillor Osman Dervish on the grounds that he believed the proposed development was an overdevelopment of the site and would harm local residential amenity.


In accordance with the public speaking arrangements the Committee was addressed by an objector with a response from the applicant’s agent.


The objector commented that the proposal would be an illegal use of the land and that very little had changed from a previous application that had been refused. The objector also commented that the plot was not derelict and that that the proposal was of a garden grabbing nature and was an overdevelopment of the site which would out of character with the surrounding area.


In response the applicant’s agent commented that the land was in the applicant’s ownership and that the previous Highways objections have been addressed. The agent also commented that the applicant had taken on board the previous objections and amended the application accordingly.


With its agreement Councillor Osman Dervish addressed the Committee.


Councillor Dervish commented that he was in support of new development within the borough but the proposal in front of the Committee was a back garden land grab. Councillor Dervish also commented that the proposed development would provide homes that people had to live in rather wanted to live in and was an overdevelopment of the site. Councillor Dervish concluded that there would be access/egress issues at the site and that the proposal would be in a cramped area.


During the debate Members sought and received clarification regarding the access/egress, refuse arrangements and distances between existing properties.


The report recommended that planning permission be granted, however following a motion to refuse the granting of planning permission it was RESOLVED that planning permission be refused on the grounds of:


Inadequacy of proposed access to the site including proposed shared surface, leading to an increase in vehicular movements and vehicular conflict around the entrance and danger to pedestrians.


The lack of S106 agreement for School places demand arising from the development.