Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/03/2017 - Council (Item 94)

94 PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Note: the deadline for amendment to all reports published with the Council agenda is midnight, Monday, 20 March 2017.


To consider a report of the Chief Executive on the Pay Policy statement 2017/18 (attached).  

Additional documents:


Report AGREED without division.


A report of the Chief Executive asked Council to agree the Pay Policy Stastement 2017/18. The Council was required by law to publish such a statement setting out the remuneration of its chief offices and lowest paid employees as well as the relationship between the remuneation of its Chief Officers and its other employees.


The report was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:


That the Pay Policy Statement 2017/18 (attached as appendix 2 to these minutes) be approved.