Issue - meetings

Establishment of an Active Homecare Framework in Havering

Meeting: 21/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 66)

66 Establishment of an Active Homecare Framework in Havering pdf icon PDF 124 KB

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The Leader, after consultation with Cabinet:


1.      Authorised in principle the establishment of the Active Homecare Framework detailed in the body of the report for the placement of packages of homecare in Havering to take effect on the expiry of the current arrangements


2.      Delegated authority to the Director of Adult Services to take all necessary steps to set up the Dynamic Purchasing System to be known as the “Active Care Framework” in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (the Regulations) and the Council’s Contract Standing Orders (CSO), including but not limited to: agreeing a specification for the service, approval of and dismissal of providers, approval of contract terms, setting quality requirements and considering any necessary Equality Impact Assessment and implementing any changes required by it.


3       Delegated authority to the Director of Adult Services to agree any amendments in accordance with the Regulations and CSO to the Dynamic Purchasing System for the duration of the term including any termination of the arrangements.



Councillor Wendy Brice-Thompson, Cabinet member for Adult Services and Health, introduced the report


Cabinet was reminded that the current homecare framework contract would expire on 27 January 2017.  This framework had failed to deliver the required capacity.  There were a number of reasons for this which included providers being  ...  view the full minutes text for item 66