Issue - meetings
Meeting: 05/01/2016 - Highways Advisory Committee (Item 71)
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The report before the Committee detailed responses to a consultation to introduce safety improvements that included a 20mph zone, speed tables, zebra crossing with illuminated beacon posts, ‘Gateway’ measures with 20mph and 30mph roundel with red surfacing, road signs and road markings.
The report informed the Committee that the following safety improvements were proposed along Collier Row by Ramsden Drive, Collier Row Road between Melville Road and Hamden Hill Roudabout, Hampden Road by Clockhouse Lane, Chase Cross Road between Hamden Hill and Collier Ron Lane to reduce vehicle speeds and minimise accidents.
The report informed the Committee that at the close of a public consultation, four written responses had been received: from a Member of the Committee, two cycling representatives and a resident and the comments were summarised in the report.
Officers’ indicated that the proposed safety improvements would minimise accidents in the Collier Row Area which include part of Collier Row Road, Clockhouse Lane, Chase Cross Road and Collier Row Lane. It was therefore recommended that the proposed safety improvements be recommended for implementation.
In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a speaker representing two local shop keepers located at numbers Nos 104 and 106 Collier Row Road. The speaker stated that the location of the zebra crossing and placement of zig-zag signs would adversely impact businesses on the north side of the street by presenting access difficulties to forecourts; impeding deliveries; and restricting on street parking. The speaker also commented that the recently installed bicycle stand near the same businesses was in the wrong location. It was suggested that the crossing would be better suited elsewhere in the road.
During the debate a Member stated that he was of the opinion that the proposed zebra crossing was at the appropriate location to provide safety improvement for pedestrians.
A Member enquired if London Buses were consulted and had commented on the scheme as a whole. In response, the Committee was informed that no reply had been received from London Buses.
A Member sought clarification on the proximity of the zebra crossing to Ramsden Drive. Officers confirmed that the crossing could be located within five metres of the junction. Further the crossing had been placed along the pedestrian desire line for people walking from Ramsden Drive to the new supermarket on the south side of Collier Row Road and also to assist drivers turning left out of Ramsden Drive to get a good view of the crossing position.
Another Member stated that the crossing was about balancing the needs of pedestrians against the ability of parking by the shops. It was suggested that in terms of customers, there was plenty of research that suggested that over time, it was those shoppers who arrived on foot who tended to spend the most.
A Member enquired if the existing signalised crossing outside the Esso Petrol Station could be relocated to avoid the need for the installation of the proposed pedestrian crossing. In reply Officers confirmed that ... view the full minutes text for item 71