Issue - meetings

Fair Deal and TUPE Transfer

Meeting: 06/01/2016 - Local Pension Board (Item 20)

Fair Deal and TUPE Transfer

The TUPE manual will be available for members of the Board at the meeting.


In the absence of Mo Jones it had not been possible to provide the TUPE manual. The Board agreed that the manual, if available should be circulated to the Board in advance of the next meeting.


Prior to the meeting training had been delivered by Hymans Robertson on TUPE transfer. The Board understood that they needed to be satisfied that the appropriate processes were in place and fit for purpose. Hymans Robertson had indicated that the following documents should be in place:


·         Admission Policy

·         Bulk Transfer (inc. Cessation) Policy

·         Admission Agreement

·         Employer’s Guide

·         Contractor’s guide

·         Bond Agreement template.


The Board have asked for a copy of these documents. DF advised that the Funding Strategy Statement covered the issue of Bulk Transfer (inc. Cessation) Policy.


Some concern was expressed that some of the older admission agreements might no longer be fit for purpose. In order to assess the level of risk the Board asked officers to prepare a list of all admitted bodies and the number of employees covered by each agreement.


The Board also agreed that the Head of Legal and Governance should be asked to provide an assurance that the current template Admission Agreements and Bond Agreements are fit for purpose.