Issue - meetings


Meeting: 08/12/2015 - Highways Advisory Committee (Item 59)


Additional documents:


The report before the Committee detailed responses to a consultation for the provision of a new, fully accessible, northbound bus stop on Wingletye Lane in three possible locations and sought a recommendation that one proposal be implemented from the options consulted on.


The Committee noted that seventeen letters were delivered to those potentially affected by the scheme and in addition to key stakeholders were consulted including London Buses, the emergency services and Ward Councillors., The thirteen responses received at the close of the consultation were summarised in the appendix of the report.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a member of the public who spoke against the proposals listed as Option 2 and detailed on drawing number QN008-OF-A257.2 A.   The speaker raised various safety concerns stating that he had witnessed major crashes on Wingletye Lane resulting from speeding vehicles.   The speaker also raised concerns over congestion; the impact on the zebra crossing and anti-social behaviour and gave these as reasons not to provide the stop at the location. It was also suggested that a hail and ride bus service would be better on the route.


A Member raised similar safety issues to the speaker. The Member stated that the road can be extremely busy and the implementation of Option 2 would likely result in traffic queuing through the zebra crossing and mini-roundabout. The Member also raised concerns over the curve in the road and the ability of drivers to safely overtake a stationary bus. 


A Member stated that Option 1 was previously rejected because of safety issues. The Member stated that people currently stayed on the bus which loops at the County Park Estate and then alight at the existing southbound stop opposite number 213. The Member proposed that all three options should be recommended for rejection but the proposed dropped kerbs opposite and outside nos. 213/215 should be installed to assist passengers.


A Member questioned whether the proposals would have any practical benefit for school children as they would have left the bus at the previous stop. 


A  Member sought clarification on the frequency of the buses in the area. 


Following the debate a motion was put forward and seconded that the recommendations in the report be recommended for rejection save for the installation of the dropped kerbs outside and opposite No 213/215. Officers were asked to investigate the possibility of the introduction of a hail and ride service with Transport for London.


By a vote of 10 in favour to 1 against the Committee RESOLVED:


To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the proposals in the report be rejected save for the installation of dropped kerbs outside and opposite No 213/215 which should be implemented.