Issue - meetings


Meeting: 07/07/2015 - Highways Advisory Committee (Item 12)



The Committee considered a report that outlined the responses received to the proposals to introduce various waiting restrictions along Berther Road.


The report informed the Committee that following a request from Ward Councillors and a petition received from residents of Berther Road to deal with the increasing level of parking and its duration. Members agreed in principle for officers to undertake an informal consultation in the area, to gauge residents feeling about the parking situation


Following an informal consultation, a scheme was designed consisting of ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions on the northern side of the road, that extended to the southern side of the road to cover residential accesses, while the remainder of the southern side of the road would remain restricted by the existing Monday to Friday 8:30am to 9:30am waiting restrictions. The proposed ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions also extended into Nelmes Road, on its western side, for 10 metres either side of the junction.


The report informed the Committee that by the close of the consultation on 19 June 2015, eight responses were received to the advertised proposals, of which six were from residents who outlined their support for the scheme, one respondent was concerned about displaced parking and a petition signed by 38 residents of Berther Road requested for a residents parking scheme to be operational twice a day.  All of the responses were summarised and appended to the report.


In officer’s view, the proposed ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions were designed to deal with the increasing levels of parking taking place in the road that was related to a local successful restaurant, pub and bar, which operated late into the evening. The ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions on the northern side of the road would ensure traffic flowed, while on the southern side it would ensure that residents’ driveways were not blocked. The Monday to Friday 8:30am to 9:30am waiting restrictions on the southern side of the road would continue to limit all day commuter parking, while providing valuable parking for the local residents and businesses but would have a limited traffic calming effect.


The report detailed that any agreed restrictions would be implemented as soon as possible in order for an efficient improvement to the current parking situation in the area. It was also agreed to extend the hours of enforcement operations, with enforcement officers undertaking specific late evening patrols.


With its agreement Councillors Roger Ramsey and Ron Ower addressed the Committee.


Councillor Ramsey stated that there were problems in the area caused primarily by commuters and patrons of a local restaurant. He stated that action was required but there was no obvious that would suit everyone. Councillor Ramsey acknowledged that the purpose of the proposed scheme was to bring immediate relief to the road but noted the concerns raised by many residents over the effect of the scheme. Councillor Ramsey questioned whether a wider review of the area would, in itself, have the necessary focus to adequately deal with the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12