Issue - meetings

Council Housing New Build Programme

Meeting: 24/09/2014 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Council Housing New Build Programme pdf icon PDF 393 KB

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1.            The making of the London Borough of Havering (Briar Road) Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO/the Order) 2014 under Section 17 and Part XVII of the Housing Act 1985, and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 to acquire all leasehold interests with the block 9-35 Briar Road, Harold Hill to develop new residential flats and houses.  The premises detailed for acquisition were shown on the plan in Appendix 2 to the report.

2.            The Director of Legal and Governance to alter the CPO boundary as shown on the plan in Appendix 2 to the report so as to exclude any land/interests acquired prior to the sealing of the Order.

3.            The Director of Legal and Governance to seal the Order and take all necessary steps, including the publication of all statutory notices, to secure confirmation of the Order (with or without modifications).

4.            The Director of Legal and Governance (in the event that the Secretary of State notifying the Council that it had been given the power to confirm the Compulsory Purchase Order, to confirm the Order and take all steps necessary to secure possession of the property, including the making of a General Vesting Declaration if he or she was satisfied that it was appropriate to do so.

5.            The Head of Homes and Housing and/or the Property Services Manager both in advance of and after the making and confirmation of the Order, to arrange for negotiations to proceed with the owners of leaseholders interests and rights in the land with a view to acquiring those interests and rights by agreement if possible but thereafter by determination, and to pay such compensation for the acquisition of the interests and rights as may be proper and reasonable


6.            An allocation of £495,000 from Right-to-Buy receipts should be agreed for this new build programme.

7.            The entering into a funding agreement with the GLA to enable the Council to receive grant.

8.            The commencement of the process of procuring the main contractor/s to deliver the schemes.

9.            The appropriation of the proposed development site at Ongar way into the HRA should this be necessary.


10.         That the specific financial allocations from all sources were applied to the constituent schemes as detailed in Appendix 3 to the report and noted that the requested increase to the capital budget was £22,756,000 inclusive of the externally funded grant from the GLA of £3,192,000 and that the increase be agreed and will be referred to Council for final approval. 

11.         That the proceeds of the shared ownership home sales should be spent on housing and/or regeneration projects. 

12.         That properties at Diana Princess of Wales House, Ongar Way, Kilmartin Way and Dewsbury Road previously agreed by Cabinet for disposal in the open market were now being retained for direct housing development and that earlier Cabinet decisions regarding those sales were superseded by this report.


13.         That an allocation of £19,069,000 resources from the HRA Business Plan should be agreed across the  ...  view the full decision text for item 18


Councillor Damian White, Cabinet Member for Housing, introduced the report


In line with the Council’s commitment to address the local need for good quality affordable homes, approval had been given by the Leader of the Council on 4th March 2014 to submit bids to the Greater London Authority (GLA)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18