Decision details

Local London Inter-Authority Agreement

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Councillor Roger Ramsey, Leader of the Council, introduced the report


Cabinet was informed that the report before it sought Cabinet approval for the Local London Inter Authority Agreement, as agreed by the Local London Partnership Members.  The Local London Inter Authority Agreement was appended to the report.


Members were reminded that “localism” was a real factor in the manner in which local authorities managed their shrinking budgets in a way which produced economies of scale and consequently benefits for local residents.  There had been a number of precursors to the current agreement – the “East London Solutions” being one such alliance of groups of authorities.  The creation of “oneSource” was another option conceived and developed by Havering – this time initially in partnership with the London Borough of Newham – but designed to ensure services were delivered in a new and efficient manner.  The current alliance was simply a further step in the constant drive to find efficiencies.


Part of the Agreement was to approve a funding contribution to provide a Director of Local London who would provide strategic leadership to the Local London sub-region in developing joint programmes of work, identify opportunities and develop a case for greater devolution to Local London on behalf of the Joint Executive Committee which would be established to co-ordinate the work of the Alliance.


Reasons for the decision:


It was necessary for Cabinet to approve the arrangements set out in the Local London Inter Authority Agreement in order that Local London members could collaborate on and coordinate a range of activities and opportunities that would arise through a greater devolution of powers from central government.


At the Local London Leaders, Mayors and Chief Executives Strategy Group meeting on 15th March, members committed themselves to formally approving the Local London Inter Authority Agreement through their respective governance mechanisms. 


Other options considered:


The alternative option available to the Cabinet was not to approve the arrangements set out in the Local London Inter Authority Agreement. This would mean that Havering would not formally be a Local London member, which would limit the opportunities presented to the borough through devolution at a sub-regional level. This option was not recommended.




1.           Approved the Local London Inter Authority Agreement and the agreements proposed.


2.           Agreed to the creation of the Local London Partnership Unit headed by the Director of Local London, who would lead on the development and management of Local London’s programme of work.


3.           Agreed to the creation of the Local London Joint Committee and agreed to the delegation of functions to this joint committee to discharge executive functions on behalf of the London Borough of Havering and other Local London Members as outlined in the Schedule of Appendix A to the report. 


4.           Approved the London Borough of Redbridge’s role as the Accountable Body of Local London, and any duties and responsibilities that were assigned to this role.


5.           Nominated one representative for the Local London Joint Committee, which would enact executive functions (set out in paragraph 3.1 of the report).  This would usually be the Leader of the Council.


Publication date: 20/06/2016

Date of decision: 15/06/2016

Decided at meeting: 15/06/2016 - Cabinet

Effective from: 23/06/2016

Accompanying Documents: