Decision details
Appropriation of Land for Planning purposes & Open Space Processes Relating to Various Potential Disposal Sites
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Cabinet, having considered the responses received as a result of the public notices, approved:
1. The disposal of the following sites, for which authorisation for disposal in principle has been provided by Cabinet on 16 December 2015 pursuant to section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972. Plans of the sites are attached at Appendix 1 of this report.
a. Priory Road – land adjacent to 112 Priory Road
b. Rainham Road – land adjacent to 1 Bretons Cottages
c. Rainham Road – land between 8 & 9 Bretons Cottages
d. Tweed Way – land adjacent to the social hall
2. The appropriation for planning purposes of the following sites as shown in a Cabinet Decision dated 16 December 2015 and as attached in Appendix 1 of the report
a. Priory Road – land adjacent to 112 Priory Road
b. Rainham Road – land adjacent to 1 Bretons Cottages
c. Rainham Road – land between 8 & 9 Bretons Cottages
d. Tweed Way – land adjacent to social hall
3 That the Head of Property, after consultation with the Director of Legal & Governance, oneSource, and in accordance with the authority given to him by the decision of Cabinet on 16 December 2015, deal with all matters arising including the appropriation for planning purposes and thereafter the completion of the disposals.
4 Agreed that no further action would be taken in relation to the disposal or appropriation of the following sites (Appendix 2 of the report) which will now be retained in their current form:
e. Hitchin Close Land (formerly referred to as land adjoining former Whitworth Centre, Harold Hill)
f. Hubbards Chase Land
Publication date: 19/01/2017
Date of decision: 19/01/2017
Effective from: 27/01/2017