Decision details
Home to School Transport
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To re-endorse the home to school transport previous decision based on additional information from Out of Borough schools
Report: Cabinet approval of the Home to School Transport Policy
Presented by: Councillor Oscar Ford, Cabinet Member for Children & Young People
Cabinet Agreed:
1. To quash the decision, it made at its meeting on 15 May to approve the Home to School Transport Policy
2. To conscientiously consider the further representations that have been received in the additional consultation exercise described in the report.
3. To take a fresh decision based on the totality of the consultation responses set out in this and the previous report.
4. To adopt the revised Home to School Transport policy attached at appendix A of the Cabinet report.
5. To not introduce a charge for Post 16 Travel at this time.
Report author: Paul Young
Publication date: 15/08/2024
Date of decision: 14/08/2024
Decided at meeting: 14/08/2024 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents:
- 8.0 CABINET-Report - HTS Transport resubmission - 14th Aug - Final Final Version
PDF 219 KB
- 8.1 Appendix - A - New Revised Policy - Final Final Final
PDF 818 KB
- 8.2 Appendix - B - Consultation Outcome - Final July 24
- 8.3 Appendix C - EqHIA HOme to School
- 8.4 Appendix D - CABINET-Report - HTS Transport - 15th May
PDF 628 KB
- 8.5 Appendix E - Recent Consultation comments and responses
PDF 345 KB