Decision details

Rainham and Beam Park, Land Acquisition Strategy, making of CPO(s)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Cabinet approval will be sought for the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order(s) (CPO (s)) in respect of the land, interests and rights needed to deliver the regeneration of the A1306 (New Road) in Rainham





1.     Agreed to the Council making Compulsory Purchase Order(s) (CPO(s)) pursuant to the statutory powers contained in section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), and section 13 of the Local Government (Misc. Provisions) Act 1976 and all other necessary action to acquire all property and other proprietary interests on the land, including where appropriate new rights, located within the outline on the CPO Red Line Plan at Appendix 1 of the report, for the purpose of securing the regeneration of the Rainham and Beam Park Housing Zone in accordance with the decision to adopt the Masterplan and Planning Framework taken on 10th February 2016.

2.      Agreed that the Director of Regeneration Programmes after consultation with the Leader of the Council and Deputy Director Legal and Governance be authorised to;


a. Make the CPO or multiple CPOs to enable the acquisition of land, interest and rights within the CPO Red Line Plan as attached to the report at Appendix 1;


b. Appoint surveyors, barristers and any other professionals required to promote the CPO(s) and to facilitate the vacant possession of interests located within the CPO Red Line Plan;


c. Settle the final form and content of the CPO(s) and associated documentation to include the draft;


·       CPO Red Line Plan; Appendix 1;

·       Draft Compulsory Purchase Order; Appendix 2;

·       Draft Schedule Freehold and Leasehold Interests Appendix 3;

·       Draft Statement of Reasons Appendix 4;

·       Draft Equalities Impact Assessment Appendix 5

·       Consultation Report Appendix 6


d. Take all necessary steps to secure the making, confirmation and implementation of the CPO(s) including publication and service of notices and presentation of the Councils case at Public Inquiry, or Court should such representation be necessary;


e. Take such actions so as to facilitate Notting Hill Genesis (on behalf of Rainham and Beam Park LLP) acquiring properties and proprietary interests within the CPO Red Line Plan by agreement, such actions to include; the relocation of businesses, residents and statutory undertakers apparatus or Communication Code Operators; and any other interests and setting out the terms for the withdrawal of objections to the CPO(s); and


f. Amend the number of properties and leasehold acquisitions with the CPO Red Line Plan at Appendix 3, should such amendment be required to deliver the overall Rainham and Beam Park Housing Zone strategy.



3.     Agreed that the Director of Regeneration Programmes after consultation with the Leader of the Council and Deputy Director Legal and Governance be authorised following the confirmation of the CPO(s) by the Secretary of State to secure vacant possession of all properties and proprietary interests located within the confirmed CPO Red Line land to include:


a. to take all necessary actions to secure the making and confirmation of a General Vesting Declaration (GVD) or multiple GVD’s under the Compulsory Purchase and (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 and /or to serve Notices to Treat and Entry (if required); and

b. to appropriate to planning / or housing purposes any parcel of land within the CPO Red Line Plan; and

c. to transfer all properties and proprietary interests acquired pursuant to the CPO(s) to the relevant development partner in accordance with the Members Agreement and the Strategic Land Agreement dated 29 March 2018; and

d. if necessary make representation of the Councils case such as at the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) or court should such representation be necessary.


4.     Agreed following Cabinet approval of resolutions 2 and 3 above, and upon the Deputy Director Legal and Governance being satisfied that further information and all the Equalities Impact Assessment outcomes are satisfactory and to not require reference back to Cabinet, that the Deputy Director Legal and Governance be authorised to affix the common Seal of the Council to the CPO(s), GVD(s), maps and elsewhere and to take all necessary steps as necessary, such as to issue notices and sign certificates to attain the resolutions above.


Report author: Christopher Barter

Publication date: 11/10/2018

Date of decision: 10/10/2018

Decided at meeting: 10/10/2018 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: