Agenda item

Revision to the call-in procedure for Regulatory Services


A report had been presented at the previous meeting of the Committee on 11 March 2015 setting out proposed changes to the call-in procedure for planning applications brought before the Regulatory Services Committee.  At that meeting, Members deferred making a decision so that further thought could be given to the proposed revisions.


The revised report before Members retained the proposal for the call-in of a planning application to be restricted to the councillors for the Ward in which the planning application site was located.  It was recognised however that there may be exceptional circumstances whereby non-ward councillors felt it was necessary for an application to be brought for the consideration of the Regulatory Services Committee.  In such exceptional circumstances, it was proposed that approval needed to be sought in writing, setting out detailed reasons for the call in which had to be related solely to matters of material planning concern and obtained from the Head of Regulatory Services for the application to be brought before the committee.


This issue was subject to comment from various members of the Committee with the strongest objection being that some planning matters had political aspects to them and by referring them to a senior officer, that officer’s political neutrality would be compromised.  This was countered by reference to the fact that the process required the Member making the call-in to show that the call-in was based on planning principles alone and therefore the Head of Service’s political neutrality would not be compromised.


Having discussed the matter at length, the issue of whether to accept the recommendations as set out in the report was put to the vote.


In favour of the motion: Councillors: Michael White, Roger Ramsey, Melvin Wallace, John Crowder, Joshua Chapman, Clarence Barrett, Barbara Matthews, Stephanie Nunn, Barry Mugglestone, Darren Wise and Ian de Wulverton


Against the motion: Councillor: David Durant


Lawrence Webb abstained


The motion was CARRIED by eleven votes to one.


The Committee RESOLVEDto recommend to Council that:


1.            That Committee Procedure Rule 13(e) of the Council’s Constitution be revised to read as follows:


(e)          Only a Councillor representing the ward in which the planning application is located, or in exceptional circumstances any member of the Council, may call-in an application before the Regulatory Services Committee. Any such request for call-in must be received by the Head of Regulatory Services in writing (to include email and facsimile) and must set out detailed reasons for the call in which must be related solely to matters of material planning concern. Any Member of the planning committee calling in a matter must take care to express themselves in a manner which would not amount to bias or pre-determination should they intend to take part in the meeting.


2.         That Section 3.6.6(d) be revised to read as follows:


“Members of the Ward in which a proposal is situated may request that an application be referred to the Regulatory Services Committee for determination.  Such request must be made in writing to either the Head of Regulatory Services personally.  If no such request is received by the deadline of that period the Head of Regulatory Services may determine the application.


If any Member considers there are exceptional circumstances warranting the calling in of a planning application which is not situated within their Ward then they must seek and obtain approval from the Head of Regulatory Services.”


3.            That the Council’s Monitoring Officer be authorised to make the necessary change to the Council’s Constitution, should the proposal be agreed by Council.


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