Agenda item

Agreement to adopt the Rainham and Beam Park Masterplan and Planning Framework as non statutory planning guidance




1.         Agreed to adopt the Rainham and Beam Park Masterplan and Planning Framework as a non-statutory planning policy document that would be a material planning             consideration when considering development proposals in the Rainham and Beam Park area.


2.         Agreed to the Council working proactively with developers and key stakeholders to bring forward developments that met the aspirations of the Masterplan and Planning Framework and to take forward the actions proposed in the Masterplan and Planning Framework.



Councillor Ron Ower, Cabinet member for the Housing Company Development and oneSource Management, introduced the report


Cabinet was reminded that following its approval on the 24 September 2014 of the Rainham and Beam Park Housing Zone project, a bid had been submitted to the Greater London Authority (GLA).  The submission had been successful and Havering’s status as a “Housing Zone Borough” was announced on the 25 June 2015.  The Council entered into the Overarching Borough Agreement with Cabinet approval on 4 November 2015.


Underpinning the Housing Zone vision was the transformation of the A1306 and the major residential development sites that flanked it, from that of a post-industrial legacy of decline into a thriving new residential community designed and built around “garden suburb” principles of high quality design, enhanced open space provision, social infrastructure and access to public transport and employment opportunities


The Rainham and Beam Park Masterplan and Planning Framework document (attached as appendix A to the report)  articulated that vision and the Council’s investment priorities in the area and – importantly - set out the robust guiding design principles that would shape the quality of the developments that would be coming forward.  It set a clear vision - supported by key design and development principles - that would ensure a coherent approach to any development activity.  The Framework sought to avoid the dangers of a piecemeal approach to site delivery, with developments that were of low quality design, inward looking and poorly connected to a functioning neighbourhood.


The Rainham and Beam Park Masterplan and Planning Framework would function as adopted non-statutory planning policy and would form part of the evidence and policy base of the forthcoming Local Plan.


Reasons for the decision:


It was recommended that Members approve the Rainham and Beam Park Masterplan and Planning Framework.  The Masterplan was intended to form part of the evidence base for the new Havering Local Plan, superseding the Havering Local Development Framework, it included recommendations to inform and support proposed future site allocations and policy subject to Member approval.  The Framework was consistent with the national and Mayoral planning policy which             promoted the importance of a plan-led approach to development.


As a non-statutory document that was not formal planning policy it would give the Council a tool to use when discussing applications with developers and it would have the status of a material planning consideration.  Applications could be discussed on a site by site basis within the guidelines for the character area and with a key focus on the quality of design and the appropriateness of material choices.


Other options considered:


Not developing a Rainham and Beam Park Masterplan and Planning Framework REJECTED.  From officer discussions with the GLA, housing associations and developers, it was clear that proposals for new housing were already coming forward for sites in the proposed Rainham and Beam Park Masterplan and Planning Framework area, and also that additional sites would be marketed soon, including by the GLA itself. 


Without an effective framework to guide developments, the likelihood was that development would proceed, but in a piecemeal manner and with limited Council ability to guide quality of design and provide community facilities, with a possible prospect of development resulting in future liabilities to the Council.  With piecemeal developments, developers could argue against increased financial contributions to infrastructure and affordable housing on the grounds that their development in isolation had only a minimal impact on the area and that Londons general housing shortage outweighed the need for contributions.




1.         Agreed to adopt the Rainham and Beam Park Masterplan and Planning Framework as a non-statutory planning policy document that would be a material planning             consideration when considering development proposals in the Rainham and Beam Park area.


2.         Agreed to the Council working proactively with developers and key stakeholders to bring forward developments that met the aspirations of the Masterplan and Planning Framework and to take forward the actions proposed in the Masterplan and Planning Framework.


Supporting documents: