Issue - decisions


17/02/2019 - PE/00414/18 - 22-44 NORTH STREET ROMFORD

The Committee received a developer presentation from Alasdair Buckle of nexus Planning and Adam Johnson of Assael Architecture.


The latest revised scheme ranged in height from 6 to 9 storeys, providing 77 residential units, and approximately 382 sq. m of commercial floor space.


The main issues raised by Members for further consideration prior to submission of a planning application were:


·        Height reduction welcomed.

·        Affordable Housing: need to understand the basis of the offer and the trade-offs being made e.g.; height vs unit numbers vs viability.

·        Parking: need to understand the basis the car parking proposals in more detail. What was the anticipated level of demand for parking?

·        The submission should demonstrate why the proposals would not dominate the Church or the Market Place

·        Quality of tree planting and public realm to the rear of the site was really important