Issue - decisions

Outcome of Consultation on the Draft Adult Social Care & Support Planning Policy for Approval

14/12/2017 - Outcome of Consultation on the Draft Adult Social Care & Support Planning Policy for Approval



1.       Noted and considered all of the comments and results of the formal consultation on the draft Adult Social Care & Support Planning policy.


2.       Noted the changes made to the policy in response to the comments and views expressed during consultation.


3.       In accordance with part 3, Section 2.1 (d) of the Constitution to determine the Council’s policy in relation to all Executive matters, approved the Adult Social Care and Support Planning policy, which has been amended to take account of the comments and views expressed during consultation.


4.       Noted in response to issues raised in the consultation that Adult Services will prepare plans to re-draft the Easy Read version of the policy (in further consultation with local people with a learning disability) to make it more accessible, and to develop other ways of making the policy more accessible to people with sensory disabilities.