Issue - decisions


13/04/2017 - P0064.17 - 65-67 WINGLETYE LANE, HORNCHURCH

The proposal before Members sought consent for a change of use of 67 from retail use (A1) to a restaurant (A3). It is proposed to merge numbers 65 and 67 to form one larger planning unit.


Members noted that the application had been called in by Councillor John Glanville, for reasons related to customer parking and potential for overspill onto secondary roads.


Councillor Roger Ramsey had also requested that the application be determined by the Committee on the basis of potential parking issues.


In accordance with the public speaking arrangements the Committee was addressed by an objector with a response by the applicant.


The objector commented that merging the two units would harm the character and appearance of the parade. The objector also commented that the area would not be able to cope with additional parking and that there would be an increase in noise nuisance.


In response the applicant commented that the proposal sought to provide a seating area to an existing commercial activity in line with Council policies. The applicant also commented that the proposal would be controlled by conditions and that the flue would be upgraded to disperse of any odours in a controlled manner.


With its agreement Councillors John Glanville and Roger Ramsey addressed the Committee.


Councillor Glanville commented that the surrounding roads would not be able to cope with additional parking that the proposal would attract to the area. Councillor Glanville also commented that he had been in receipt of complaints from residents regarding odours emanating from the premises.


Councillor Ramsey commented that a similar premises in the area that had been granted planning permission had since suffered with displaced parking issues and that the parade of shops was a small parade and not a shopping centre as had been referred to in the report.


During the debate Members sought and received clarification of the number of additional seats that the proposal would bring to the premises discussed the use of the existing car park situated adjacent to the proposal site.


The report recommended that planning permission be granted however following a motion to refuse the granting of planning permission which was carried by 7 votes to 4 it was RESOLVED that planning be refused due to the following reasons:


1.         Inadequate parking provision particularly given parking demand from existing commercial units resulting in overspill parking in surrounding streets resulting in inconvenience for nearby residents and parking safety concerns.


2.         Noise and disturbance to nearby residents through customers congregating outside and comings and goings.


The vote for the resolution to refuse the granting of planning permission was carried by 8 votes to 3.


Councillors Kelly, White, Hawthorn, Ower, Nunn, Whitney, Martin and Williamson voted for the resolution to refuse the granting of planning permission.


Councillors Best, Misir and Westwood voted against the resolution to refuse the granting of planning permission.