Issue - decisions



The report before Members detailed an application which sought permission for an extension to the main school building, to be located on the western side of the site to provide nursery provision in line with a growing demand for early years’ places. The school was Council owned and an objection had been received.


Members noted that a petition had been received from the residents of Granger Way.


In accordance with the public speaking arrangements the Committee was addressed by an objector with a response from the applicant’s agent.


The objector commented that access to the school was already limited and that at drop off and pick up times the area was already at saturation point. The objector also commented that the current school already overlooked several neighbouring properties and that the proposal would only exacerbate the problem. The objector concluded by commenting that he had received a letter of support from his local MP.


In response the applicant’s agent commented that there was a need for extra school places in the Romford area and that these had to be balanced against the extra traffic that would be created. The Council’s Highways service had deemed that the extra vehicular movements would be manageable.


During a brief debate Members sought and clarified the distance between the proposed extension and the the neighbouring properties.


Members also discussed the current parking arrangements in the area including the use of the school car park on Sundays by the local church.


It was RESOLVED to delegate to the Director of Neighbourhoods to grant planning permission subject to the expiry of the neighbour consultation period and subject to this not generating any further representations which raised new material considerations not covered within the committee report. Should any such further representations raising new material considerations be received then the application to go back to the Committee for determination. Also the attachment of an additional planning condition requiring that the car park fence have additional screening attached to mitigate the effect of headlights shining into residential premises in Granger way.