Agenda item



The report before Members proposed a change of use of the existing single storey office building (A2 use) to a drinking establishment (A4 use). It was proposed to operate as a 'micro pub' which was a small free-house selling mainly traditional beer and ciders.


There would be no electronic music, television or hot food preparation. The proposed opening would be 11:00 hours to 23:00 hours and the bar would employ two full time and three part time staff. No external seating or parking was proposed.


The application had been called in by Councillors Ron Ower and Linda Van den Hende for the following reasons:


·         Inappropriate use in the area which was primarily residential;

·         There were flats immediately adjacent to the site;

·         Parking in Sunnyside Gardens was already difficult. The exit from the petrol station opposite the site was already hindered by parked cars and there was a need to keep the adjacent access to an undertakers clear;

·         Noise from drinkers and smokers standing outside;

·         Most customers would use cars rather than walk to the premises;

·         An increase in traffic using Sunnyside Gardens.


Members were advised that an e-petition had been received, objecting to the proposal, that had one hundred and five signatories.


In accordance with the public speaking arrangements the Committee was addressed by an objector with a response from the applicant’s representative.


The objector commented that the application site had a history of previous planning refusals and the current proposal did not fit in with the Local Development Framework. The objector also commented that there were inaccuracies contained within the application, the main one being the wrong address, which had subsequently been amended but could have caused confusion. The objector also commented on the impact the proposal would have on the local amenity which would be harmed by additional noise, parking problems and anti-social behaviour.


In response the applicant’s representative commented that the application site was of single storey and therefore would not have any impact on residents living above and that the location was of a town centre nature as opposed to a residential one. The applicant’s representative also commented that there had been local support for the proposal from both residents and businesses and that there would only be space for one car to park on the premises as access was needed to the rest of the site for deliveries.


During the debate members discussed the possible impact on the amenity of the residents in Sunnyside Gardens and the possibility of displaced parking in the area.


Members also discussed the fact that the proposal was a new venture in the location and therefore it was being imposed on neighbours who currently enjoyed a semi-residential amenity.


Members also discussed the other drinking establishments in Upminster which were both located in the main shopping area and questioned whether the proposed application was out of keeping with the current streetscene.


The report recommended that planning permission be granted however, following a motion to refuse the granting of planning permission which was carried by 9 votes to 0 with 1 abstention it was RESOLVED that the granting of planning permission be refused for the following reasons;


By reason of its location which was close to residential properties noise and disturbance arising from the use of the premises and associated pedestrian and vehicular activity in Sunnyside Gardens the proposal would materially harm residential amenity.


Inadequate on-site parking would create levels of on-street parking and vehicular movements materially harmful to residential amenity and highway safety due to its proximity to the junction of Sunnyside gardens and St Mary’s Lane.


The vote for the resolution to refuse planning permission was carried by 9 votes to 0 with 1 abstention.


Councillor Martin abstained from voting.