Agenda item

P1528.13 - 22-28 NORTH STREET, ROMFORD


The proposal was for the demolition of the existing four retail units, with vacant office accommodation above, and the erection of an six storey building with four (A1) retail units at ground floor level, and twenty flats above (sixteen  two bedroom and four 1 bedroom units), occupying five storeys.

The sixth storey element would comprise a services block at the top of the building.


The application was first reported on 3 April 2014 when a decision was deferred to allow further information to be gathered and clarification sought.


The queries and their responses were then reported back to Members on 26 June 2014 when the decision was again deferred to allow the opportunity for a height reduction to be negotiated. Despite negotiations, the developer opted to continue with what was essentially an eight storey proposal with some minor changes. The scheme was reported to Members on 23 October 2014 when it was again deferred to give the applicant a further opportunity to reduce the height of the scheme.


The applicant had now submitted plans reducing the building's height from eight storeys to six, and from twenty eight flats to twenty. However, the applicant had stated that, owing to the reduction in the proposed number of units, that the previously proposed contribution of £45,000 towards local environmental enhancements was no longer offered.

Members were advised that following negotiations the applicant was now willing to pay the Council’s tariff of £120,000.


In accordance with the public speaking arrangements the Committee was addressed by an objector with a response from the applicant’s representative.


The objector advised that he was speaking on behalf of the Romford Civic Society and commented that the original building should not be demolished as it provided the setting for a significant set of buildings around other listed buildings in the conservation area and would be at odds with the Development Plan Policy. The proposal would have an adverse impact by reason of its height scale and design on the setting of a listed buiding and fail to preserve or enhance the character of Romford Conservation Area.


In response the applicant’s representative commented that the applicant had listened to the Committee’s previous concerns and had reduced the number of storeys from eight to six. The proposed building would sit lower than the spire of the nearby St Edwards Church and English Heritage had raised no objections to the proposal. English heritage had also conceded that the space at the front of the site was without merit and that the proposal would improve security and the area’s commercial vitality.


During a brief debate Members commented that whilst English Heritage only briefly commented on the conversation area the Council’s own Heritage Officer still recommended refusal of planning permission as the proposal failed to preserve or enhance the character of the conservation area and planning policy DC68 applied.


Members also commented about the current untidy state of the area but also felt it was important not just to accept a proposal because it looked better than what was currently there.


Following a motion for approval which was lost by 4 votes to 7. It was RESOLVED that planning permission be refused as per the officer’s recommendation.


The vote for the resolution was carried by 8 votes to 3.


Councillors J.Crowder, Wallace, Hawthorn, Ower, Nunn, Whitney, Martin and Williamson voted for the resolution to refuse planning permission.


Councillors P.Crowder, Best and Misir voted against the resolution to refuse planning permission.