Agenda item


To receive details of proposed changes in the location of breast care services from the Deputy Programme Director – Acute Reconfiguration, BHRUT.


The BHRUT chief executive explained that the Trust felt this was not a substantial variation to services (and hence required public consultation) but rather an enhancement to existing services. It was proposed to reallocate services from the Victoria Hospital in Romford to King George Hospital in Goodmayes and the chief executive asked the Joint Committee to agree that formal consultation was not necessary.


There were a number of reasons for this change including that it would help to complete the centralisation of services and that the Victoria Hospital was an old building with worsening facilities. Access and parking was easier at King George and there was also a financial benefit from no longer having to pay rent on both sites. The breast care service was also currently located over several different floors at the Victoria Hospital whereas services would all be on the same floor at King George. The chief executive added that the commissioners – Public Health England supported the change of location and there had not been any objections raised by patient representatives.


Only six per cent of initial breast screens would in fact be moved as many people already went to King George for this service. The chief executive felt that the proposal improved the breast care service in terms of facilities and accessibility. The proposal would be considered by the Trust Board in September following which there was likely to be further public consultation. It was planned for the new unit at King George to be fully operational from July 2015.


It was emphasised that King George would not be the only provision for breast care services and that the mobile screening service would continue from its current locations. Any proposed additional sites would be considered in conjunction with Public Health England. Analysis of scans would continue to be carried out at King George, as was the current practice. It was also felt that there would be minimal transition required as service could continue at the Victoria Hospital while the new unit at King George was being built. BHRUT did not own the Victoria site and it would be for the owners to decide if the site would eventually be sold.


It was hoped to increase capacity at the King George unit in the future by opening in the evenings but this would need to be considered in detail. It was accepted that public transport to King George from areas such as Romford was difficult and often left patients with a considerable walk from the A12. The chief executive confirmed that discussions on improved transport links were ongoing with Transport for London and asked for the Committee’s support with this.


The Committee requested that a map of current locations of the mobile screening units be provided as well as a breakdown of the breast care process.


It was AGREED that the matter be scrutinised in more detail by those borough Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees that wished to. It was also noted that, should it be decided that formal consultation be required, this would need to be undertaken with the Joint Committee.