Agenda item


To receive a progress report from Kathy Bundred.


The Committee noted the RAG rated Ofsted Action Plan for Children and Young People’s Services tabled at the meeting. The first Ofsted inspection took place in April 2013 although a different Ofsted framework was now in operation, however,  the Committee wished to note progress and to ensure Ofsted recommendations had been implemented.


It was noted that there were no Red ratings, however, 53% recommendations remained Amber and 47% were rated Green. Officers advised that the Amber ratings were due to either time target slippage or fluctuating performances. The Committee requested an update on the Amber rated actions and were advised as follows:


Consideration giving to child or young person’s ethnicity


Following the inspection finding by Ofsted that there was insufficient analysis of the impact of ethnicity, officers advised that the situation was improving however it was sometimes difficult to obtain all the relevant information particularly when Children’s Services were only involved with families for a short time. The Committee were further advised that data quality was improving and that data quality reports and case audits would in future highlight any omissions.



Ensure the timely completion and review of assessments


The inspectors had found that the time taken to complete assessments remained below that of statistical neighbours. Officers advised that management processes had been tightened up so as to ensure that assessments were completed before transfer or closure.  Performance against this indicator was 51% for 2013/14 and had peaked to 82% in May 2014. Management prioritisation would continue to ensure good progress was made to achieve the target of 90% timeliness.


Ensure chronologies are clear, recorded and fit for purpose


Officers advised that this action would be rated green by the end of July.


Common Assessment Framework (CAF)


Inspectors found that the embedding of CAF remained an area for development and that progress had been slow.  Officers advised this was a consistency issue and that it had been raised at the Local Children’s Safeguarding Board. Havering had replaced CAF with the Early Help Assessment (EHA) and extensive training had also been undertaken with key agencies in the use of the new assessment. An increasing proportion of contacts to children’s social care now resulted in the completion of an EHA.  The Committee were advised that the action would be rated Green by December 2014.


Performance Management Data Analysis


Ofsted had found that the arrangements to collate and analyse performance management data were not sufficiently robust.  The Committee were advised that the framework, performance indicators and other measures had been refined in line with Ofsted requirements and that pod-level performance reporting had commenced.  Officers were confident that the action would be rated Green rated very soon. 


Performance Management Framework


Ofsted commented on the absence of a comprehensive management framework that facilitated understanding and robust challenge of the quality of child protection arrangements. Officers advised the Committee that it was not the level of performance but how it was managed and that a new framework had been developed. The new framework would be finalised and that delays due to data quality issues had now been resolved.  The target date for Green rated was July 2014.


Workforce Strategy


The workforce strategy was not translated into a coherent action plan in line with the

transformation of services. Members were advised that a draft Workforce Development Strategy was in the process of being finalised. There had been a recent Social Worker recruitment campaign where a large number of applications had been received.  A new Social Worker Career Progression Scheme would be introduced.  Officers advised that the action had been delayed by the need to recruit additional capacity.

Quality of Supervision


The inspection found that the quality of supervision was variable and was not providing consistent evidence of reflective practice.  The Committee were advised that this action was dependent on the finalisation of the Workforce Development Strategy and would not therefore be completed yet.


Quality Assurance


Ofsted noted that plans were not consistently coherent and all too often focused on tasks that needed to be completed and services provided rather than what needs to change for the child. The Committee were informed that continued managerial and IRO oversight had been put in place to monitor the quality and progression of plans which focused on outcomes. It was noted that progress had been hampered by staff turnover issues.  


Children & Families Views


The inspectors found that feedback from children and families to improve service delivery was not fully embedded. Officers advised that there had been improvements since the inspection at all levels including the introduction of Viewpoint and the involvement of Members in Total Respect training although there was not yet consistent evidence that feedback was informing service delivery.  A LAC survey was planned for 2014 together with the recruitment of two participation officers as part of the Early Help structure.


The Chairman suggested that perhaps targeted publicity could increase children and family participation in providing their views.


There followed a discussion about target setting and timescales with particular reference to actions noted as “on-going”.  It was agreed to replace the descriptive with a target timetable that the Local Authority was comfortable with.