Agenda item


Verbal report from Joy Hollister


Board members received an update on the Care Act and were asked to note the following:


The Care Act


The Care Bill had been given Royal Assent on 14 May 2014 and that the Act would become final in April 2015. Draft regulations and guidance had been issued for consultation and it was anticipated that the final version would be published in October 2014.


There was a lot of work being done nationally in order to understand the impact of the Care Act and ADASS was co-ordinating a national social care response on behalf of its membership.   


There was also concern nationally as regards the affordability of the Care Act and its impact on the cost to Local Authorities in extending carers rights as set out in the legislation. The Group Director for Children, Adults and Housing had recently attended a meeting where this was discussed. Following a recent debate in the House of Lords, the government had committed an additional £69.4m funding via the BCF for 2015/2016 rising to £192.6 million in 2020 although it was not clear whether new money would be made available. It was noted that a grant of £125K would be given to Local Authorities for this financial year to cover implementation and a further £1.2 million next year. 


With reference to preparations taking place in Havering, a Technical Hub had been established and was working to an agreed Programme Plan. A recent guidance and regulations workshop had proved productive outlining key issues pre and post April 2015 which were as follows:


·                     Implications to Social Work practice and changing the care management operationally


·                     Financial implications of additional cost pressures such as infrastructure and staff resources


·                     Focus on prevention in delaying the need for care and support


·                     Eligibility criteria


·                     Need to ensure that information, advice and signposting is robust and delivered by the right skill set.


·                     Emphasis on promoting resident independence and involving family and support networks


·                     Participation of NELFT


·                     To review in detail the end to end processes in order to design a new assessment support planning pathway fit for purpose.


Better Care Fund


The Board received an update on the Better Care Fund (BCF) and were asked to note the following:


·                     Plans would not be signed off as there were ministerial concerns regarding the robustness of financial modelling and provider engagement. 


·                     Looking for a more detailed breakdown of planned investments and savings and how the BCF will impact on emergency admissions and the acute sector


·                     A key change had been recently announced in that £1 million of the £3.8 million would be held back for payment for the performance related element of BCF which was now linked to achievement of targets. ADASS had concerns about the impact on elements of the BCF that are specific to protecting Adult Social Care, therefore, a detailed analysis was currently underway


·                     The Health and Wellbeing Board would be asked to re-submit plans in the near future which would be subject to a revised assurance process


The Board noted the updates.