Agenda item


To receive an update on recent activities by senior officers of Healthwatch Havering.


The Committee noted the report from Ian Buckmaster of Healthwatch.  Healthwatch was launched in April 2013 and since then had dealt with a number of emerging public concerns about standards of care in health and social care settings, namely Winterbourne House and Mid-Staffordshire Hospital.  Concerns had also arisen regarding the adverse CQC report about standards in Queens Hospital and several residential care homes.  Healthwatch had corresponded with executives at BHRUT expressing their concerns and had in turn received positive responses.  Healthwatch had contributed to the last CQC inspection by submitting evidence about various aspects of services that they themselves had inspected in May 2013. In addition, Healthwatch had been working with the CCG in a campaign to persuade people that attending A&E is not always the best option.


Healthwatch was not able to act as advocate for individuals or to investigate individual complaints, people had however approached them for assistance and it was felt by the Board that they had a duty of care towards people in distress and referred complainants onto those best placed to help them.


There had been other issues of concern to the Healthwatch Board about inappropriate discharge from hospital and the closure of Orchard Village Health Centre in Rainham where their intervention led to clearer explanations for the closure and alternative contact details being advertised.  Healthwatch had received further communications from patients who had their treatments cancelled, and upon contacting BHRUT, treatments had been reinstated. More recently, the signage to the Polyclinic at Harold Wood was corrected to show the new access route following representation from Healthwatch.

         It was noted that Healthwatch was a statutory member of the Havering Health and Wellbeing Board and was formally represented at Havering’s Overview and Scrutiny meetings for Individuals and Children’s Services. In addition, Healthwatch Havering was represented on:


·                     St George’s Hospital Site Steering Group (currently in abeyance)

·                     Urgent Care Board for Barking & Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge (which also includes the three CCGs, Boroughs, BHRUT and NHS England)

·                     CQC Dementia Advisory Group

·                     North East London Quality Surveillance Group

·                     Local Government Association (LGA) HW Local Peers meetings

·                     St Francis Hospice Clinical Governance Group and the “Dying Matters Week” St Francis Hospice Steering Group

·                     Children with Disabilities and Special Needs Strategy Group


Informal meetings were regularly held with senior managers of the Adult Social Care Quality & Assessment Team, BHRUT and the CCG and Healthwatch had also been invited to attend a CQC Quality Summit at Queen’s Hospital, prior to the publication of the CQC report on their latest inspection of BHRUT.


The Healthwatch Social Care team visited a large care home that shared 8 or 9 GPs.  Upon contacting the CCG, it had been clarified that this would probably be reduced to fewer designated GPs thus avoiding confusion over which GP was responsible for which resident.


The Hospital team was looking into the discharge pathway at BHRUT after concerns were raised, and was planning to survey waiting times for cancer treatment and end of life pathways.


The Healthwatch website was also being developed to improve its use for feedback and surveys.

A Healthwatch workshop was recently held where the CCG and North East London Foundation Health Trust (NELFHT) were able to give presentations about their plans for improving home care services.  Similar events were planned for 2014.

Healthwatch has welcomed many newcomers to assist in its function and a number of volunteers had been recruited.  The Committee was referred to the Healthwatch Management Structure and Criteria for Participation.  In addition, there was the provision of training for volunteers and a handbook for guidance.

Work had begun on a number of issues outlined in the report and a range of policies had been drafted.

The Council had paid the first year’s grant in full. In addition, a supplementary grant (spread over two years) has been made to assist in directing the additional effort mentioned above.  Office accommodation had been provided at Morland House in Romford.

The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee,  thanked the presenter for a most informative report and asked that the Committee be provided with further updates at alternate meetings.


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