Agenda item



Following the presentation on Dementia received at the last Board meeting, it was agreed that the post of Dementia Programme Manager would be extended beyond the current six month tenure. Representatives of the Local Authority and the Clinical Commissioning Group confirmed that this would be funded by the Integrated Care budget and that the matter would be progressed.


Work on the formation of the Joint Assessment & Discharge Team was in progress and it was anticipated that the team would be in place by April 2014.


It was noted that 7 Day Working would be introduced by BHRUT at the hospital as of November 1 2013 together with the GP Weekend Scheme also scheduled to commence in November. Two GP surgeries are required to participate - one surgery would be within close proximity to Queens Hospital and one further away; expressions of interest are currently being sought from GP surgeries. The Board agreed that these measures were timely in relation to the onset of winter pressures. The Chairman offered the use of the Local Authority magazine and the website to publish the weekend service to ensure that patients are informed and aware of the services. NHS England stated that they had requested that all Public Health improvements should be advertised.


The Chairman had written to the local newspaper in response to an article on the future of the St George’s Hospital site.


The Board welcomed Margaret McGlynn, Care Quality Commission Compliance Manager to provide a briefing on the CQC revised inspection procedures for hospitals.  The Board noted the following:


·                    The CQC were changing the way they worked and had adopted new inspection processes. Future inspection reports would look different in that they would be talking about services and the leadership within those services. Inspection will be based upon 5 domains – safety, effectiveness, responsiveness, caring and well-led

·                    The inspection teams had increased in numbers (up to 36 members) and would include independent experts (e.g.; clinical consultants, directors of nursing, hospital chief executives and experts by experience).

·                    Areas to be inspected included: A&E, maternity, paediatrics, acute medical and surgical pathways, care for the frail elderly, end of life care and outpatients.

·                    Inspection teams would be on site between 5 – 7 days.  Each service would be reported on and this would form part of an overall executive summary.


In order to test the modifying process and obtain useful feedback, the final report would be subject to a Question and Answer session prior to publishing. A new rating system had also been introduced and would be applied following the inspection. This would not be based on stars/symbols but by a narrative driven by the 5 domains.


Members of the Board requested to know how the CQC evaluated interactions between staff and patients on assessing care, and whether they would be investigating cancelled appointments. The Board were advised that these areas would come under responsiveness and that the inspectors would look at how services are working for both the public and the Trust. The inspectors would also consult with the public as to what they think the priorities should be and likewise with the Trust.


It was noted that a recent inspection of King George’s Hospital carried out in August had been very positive. A further inspection of Queens Hospital would commence on Monday 14 October 2013. 


Members of the Board enquired whether the CQC would be seeking the views of GPs as well as patients. The Board were advised that the CQC would utilise the Health and Wellbeing Board as a forum to engage further with Local Authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups.


The Chairman, on behalf of the Board, thanked Margaret McGlynn for attending the meeting. It was agreed that the CQC attend a future meeting to provide further updates.


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