Agenda item



The Sub-Committee received an overview of the Havering Community Safety Partnership Strategic Assessment, January 2019.


It was explained that the Council had a statutory duty under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to produce an annually refreshed community safety plan.  In order to produce this plan, the Council was required to carry out an analysis of crime and disorder in the local area.


The contents of the assessment included performance and recent trends, Crime Harm Index, Community Safety Problems, safeguarding and vulnerabilities and suggested priorities and recommendations.


The assessment highlighted the following:


·      An increase in reporting and recording levels of serious youth violence, domestic abuse crime, hate crime and robbery.

·      Burglary had remained stable seeing only a 4.4% increase.

·      There had been a reduction in sexual offences, drug offences, theft and handling, and arson and criminal damage.

·      Romford Town Ward was the largest contributor to total notifiable crime in Havering, although there had been a reduction in crime in the town centre.


Those persons aged 20-40 years old were at greatest risk of victimisation from harmful and high risk problems. 25 and over were at greatest risk of household / home based acquisitive crimes.  Domestic abuse and sexual offences were more likely to be reported by females, whereas serious violence against the person and robbery were more likely to be reported by males.  Currency, laptop computers and jewellery were the most stolen items, with credit cards and currency accounting for 21% of all stolen property.  The most common type of motor vehicle stolen were saloon cars and vans.


Crime offending rates were above average for those aged 15-39, with the peak offending age being between 16-28.  For more serious violence and sexual offences, the predominant age range was 17-32, but for domestic abuse the predominant age range extended into the forties.  Males accounted for a total of 81% (suspected) offenders, ranging from 74% - 97% depending on the category of crime.  Categories of crime where offenders were most likely to know victims were sexual offences and domestic abuse.


Those young persons aged 15, 16 and 17, were the most frequent ages of youth offenders, accounting for combined 61% of all youth suspects.  In the previous 12 months there had been notable percentage rises in Violence Against the Person, Theft and Handling and Sexual Offences. 


The offending gang profile within the borough had changed from a historical single known gang operating within Havering, into various different collectives and associations. 


With regards to safeguarding and vulnerability issues, a working group was looking at daily sexual exploitation and sexual health in the borough; there had been an increase in reporting of modern day slavery and human trafficking to agencies, however these crime were not being reported to the police. 


Domestic Abuse levels continued to increase placing increased demand on agencies such as at the DV MARAC.  Support services available to victims of domestic violence included the Woman’s Support Group, refuges, drop in services, independent domestic violence advocates and a dedicated service for men.


The key priorities identified from the assessment were:


·      Protecting vulnerable individuals/victims.

·      Support the most prolific and/or high offenders.

·      Create safer locations.

·      Community engagement and public confidence.


The recommendations from the assessment were:


·      To agree the strategic priorities for Havering, unchanged from the previous year.

·      To commission problem profiles for domestic violence, robbery, and gang crime/serious youth violence.

·      Maintain a strong focus on reducing re-offending, especially for adults and those involved in gangs.

·      To reduce repeat victimisation, especially violence against women and girls, child sexual exploitation and anti-social behaviour.

·      To reduce problems in communities experiencing disproportionate levels of crime.

·      To improve feelings of safety through communications.





That the Sub-Committee noted the Strategic Assessment 2018.

Supporting documents: