Agenda item

One Havering: Community Cohesion Strategy 2018 - 2022




  1. Approved the One Havering: Community Cohesion Strategy (set out in Appendix A);


  1. Agreed to the establishment of the Community Engagement and Cohesion Forum and the proposed Terms of Reference (attached at Appendix E) with the addition that Councillor Viddy Persaud, Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety, be added to the table of membership on page 62 of the agenda, and


  1. Agreed that monitoring of the Strategy will be undertaken by the Community Engagement and Cohesion Forum with advice from the Corporate Diversity Advisor.









Vernal Scott, Corporate Diversity Adviser, was asked to outline the report to Cabinet which sought Cabinet’s approval of the “One Havering: Community Cohesion Strategy” and its adoption across services.


The document is Havering’s first Community Cohesion Strategy which, in line with the Equality Act, 2010, aims to foster good community relations and a complementary union between the Council’s stated values and the Borough’s evolving diversity profile. The Strategy deliberately focuses on the many common experiences, aspirations and values that unite local people as one community, as One Havering. It seeks to make a very clear policy statement about how the Council will go about nurturing and promoting “a cohesive, healthy and optimistic Borough, underpinned by modern British values; where everyone experiences dignity and equal life chances, and neighbours, colleagues and different community groups interact with, respect and value each other, regardless of age, colour, disability, education, ethnicity, gender, health status, marital status, nationality, political perspective, religion, sexuality or socio-economic status”.

Havering is determined to be fair to all and is committed to embracing diversity.


The vision is framed around four themes:


  • Building – Enabling new interactions and relationship building between different community groups;
  • Sharing – Promoting common aspirations and experiences between different people;
  • Protecting – Activities that promote crime prevention and community safety, and
  • Healthier – Activities and projects that promote health and wellbeing


The proposed strategy also sets out four overarching cohesion priorities:


  • We will engage with all communities in the further development of this Community Cohesion Strategy via the soon to be established Community Engagement and Cohesion Forum;
  • Our residents will safe and protected in their homes and neighbourhoods;
  • To ensure our economic and physical regeneration activity supports the creation of safe, strong, cohesive communities, and
  • We will reduce inequalities in health and wellbeing across communities in Havering.  People who use our services will have a healthy life expectancy and an improving quality of life.


Finally, the proposed strategy has four overarching equality objectives running throughout it:


  • Understanding the needs of Havering’s diverse communities;
  • Improving life chances for all, particularly for the most vulnerable members of the community;
  • Removing barriers to accessing the Council, and
  • Promoting community relations and civic pride.


There is a crucial practical element which involves the roll out of a series of projects which are community facing, designed to encourage all community groups to interact and get to know each other.  Havering is a special place and everyone must feel included.

A recent Ipsos MORI report supports the case for this work.  Residents reported that parts of the Borough are working well together but in some areas it has been noted, it could work better.

The Borough is changing rapidly, ten years ago the population was 93% white Caucasian and now this is at 83% and it will continue to reduce. The change will take place and the work undertaken in this policy will help promote understanding between community groups.


Another component of this work is hate crime. This needs to be tackled and understood.  It will include Islamophobia which has developed generally in the capital. The Equality Act 2010 focuses on eliminating discrimination of all kinds.


Unlike other strategies it is project based to enable different community groups to get together and break down the silos.  Modern British values are at the heart of the community.  60% of Council staff live in the Borough and this is a very strong thread running through Havering and it is an overarching value to nurture.


Appendix B sets out the “Next Steps” which present as a series of “ideas” to be taken forward. Some are already happening and there may be other ideas to be added as the strategy becomes embedded.  A number of events are already in place including the Day of the Disabled taking place on 3 December at the Salvation Army in Romford.  It is hoped that this event will help to identify barriers faced by disabled people in Havering.  It is hoped that incidents of hate crime will reduce and there will be increased evidence of community cohesion.


Anyone in a public facing role has a part to play in this process. The work is already being done and the Strategy is just a next chapter in the process.    The definition of modern British values can vary but it is hoped that diverse and different opinions will become tolerated, inclusive and modern in outlook working together to celebrate similarities.




  1. Approved the One Havering: Community Cohesion Strategy (set out in Appendix A);


  1. Agreed to the establishment of the Community Engagement and Cohesion Forum and the proposed Terms of Reference (attached at Appendix E) with the addition that Councillor Viddy Persaud, Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety, be added to the table of membership on page 62 of the agenda, and


  1. Agreed that monitoring of the Strategy will be undertaken by the Community Engagement and Cohesion Forum with advice from the Corporate Diversity Advisor.








Supporting documents: