Agenda item



The application sought permission for a multi use games area (MUGA), located centrally within the site on the existing playing fields and to the south east of the school buildings. The pitch was for games and sports use and would be made available to those attending the school; the submitted supporting statement indicated that the pitch could be made available for local residents, with bookings handled via the school. The MUGA would be built in place of a previously approved sports pitch which was now no longer proposed to be constructed. This MUGA differed from the previous approval in that was positioned centrally within the site, rather than toward the boundary, has 10 fewer lighting columns and is slightly smaller.


It was reported that the application had been deferred from committee on the 3 November 2011 following a late received Sport England objection which raised concern over the loss of playing fields and arrangement of the MUGA. Suggested amendments to the layout had been put forward from Sport England which would have overcome their objections, which the applicant had incorporated. These included a revised positioning of the MUGA so that it was parallel to the existing tennis courts, which would leave sufficient playing field space for rugby and football pitches to be laid out.


The application was deferred for a second time at the meeting of the committee on 15 December 2011. Staff presented further information over the usage and impact of the MUGA, as requested by the committee. The requested information was set out in the body of the report before members.


It was noted that a total of 36 representations had been submitted; this included 2 representations from Councillors Peter Gardner and Damien White, who supported the objections raised by local residents.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements, the Committee was addressed by an objector, with a response from the applicant.


During the debate, members discussed issues concerning the potential negative impact on nearby residential amenity through noise generated by the use of the MUGA and of overspill parking into nearby residential streets. The Chairman reminded members of the Committee that planning permission had already been granted at the site for the extension and refurbishment of existing tennis courts including new floodlighting.


It was RESOLVED that authority be delegated to Head of Development and Building Control to grant planning permission subject to the conditions as set out in the report. However, before doing so, the Head of Development and Building Control should review the need for a condition requiring a scheme of mitigation (such as boundary fence improvements) to prevent significant disturbance caused to adjoining residential properties caused by headlight glare from users of the on-site car park.  In addition, the Committee requested that a further two conditions be included to addressing the following:


·               System for the automatic switch-off of floodlighting at the end of the permitted hours of use.

·               Scheme for locking of the school gate in the site's north east corner when the school is closed to pupils.


Councillor Galpin rejoined the meeting after the preceding item was voted on.


Supporting documents: