Agenda item

2018/19 Local Implementation Plan Annual Spending Submission - Funding for Transport Programmes and Projects in Havering



Councillor Osman Dervish presented the report of Daniel Douglas, Transport Planning Team Leader to Cabinet detailing the 2018/19 Local Implementation Plan, Annual Spending Submission.


The Lead Member set out the history of the matter.  The Council makes an annual Local Implementation Plan (LIP) Spending Submission to Transport for London (TfL) in order to fund transport initiatives. This will be the main source of capital funding for transport projects and initiatives in the Borough.  The submission will be consistent with other linked strategy documents both of the London Mayor and the London Borough of Havering. It will embrace the recently adopted “vision” of Havering – Making a Greater London.


There are additional funding opportunities which include regular bids for “in year” funding from other funding “streams” that are launched by the Mayor, TfL and other agencies. This year such funding has included £600,000 to progress the detailed design of the Beam Parkway Major Scheme Project, £780,000 for Crossrail Complimentary Measures around Romford, Gidea Park and Harold Wood Stations and £38,000 for bus improvement measures.


This will continue under review to ensure all opportunities are followed up and other possible funding options will be pursued.


The indicative award for Havering is £2,682,000 for the 2018/19 financial year.  Consultation with ward Councillors will take place before the submission and later this year Havering must indicate to TfL how the money will be spent in accordance with the latest LIP guidance.


The TfL guidance to boroughs was published in June and Members have access to that document. The consultation period runs up to 2nd October, 2017.  It was noted that there was a heavy focus on Inner London aspects and that there was a difference in Havering and other boroughs such as Bromley and Bexley who relied more heavily on transport by car



For the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet:


  • DELEGATED authority to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Community Safety, approval of Havering’s full final LIP Funding Submission for 2018/19 to TfL.
  • APPROVED that the Council evaluate, consider and submit further opportunities for investment in transportation initiatives that are available from TfL including potential Liveable Neighbourhoodsapplications, which sit outside the LIP Annual Spending Submission process.
  • DELEGATED authority to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Community Safety, approval of the submission of such further transport infrastructure funding initiatives



Other Options Considered:


  • There were no alternatives if the Council wishes TfL to confirm its LIP funding award to Havering for 2018/19.


Supporting documents: