Agenda item

Call-in of a Non-Key Executive Decision Relating to the Highways Capital Programme 2017/18


The Cabinet Lead Member for Environment and Community Safety presented the report regarding the Call-in of The Highways Capital Programme 2017/18 which was upheld by the Overview and Scrutiny Board to Cabinet.


Councillor Dervish outlined the supplementary note in response to issues raised by the Committee (detailed at page 25 of the agenda), which detailed the improvements to the process going forward. This is to include the introduction of a specialist software system called Horizons by the end of the year which will inform all future Highways Capital Programmes from 2018/19.  This system will include highways condition data and will generate an output score which will inform the decisions regarding the priority of road repairs and renewal in the Borough including the maintenance spend.  This will support the professional expertise of the Council’s engineers and relevant officers.


It was noted that some roads need repair rather than renewal and can be maintained cheaply and efficiently through micro asphalting, hence their selection for the programme.  Others need more costly full renewal.


Concern was raised that a business case for each project was required.  However, there is a huge network of roads in the Borough that need attention and this work needs to progress. Members were encouraged by the Leader to trust the judgement of officers to deliver these works.  Future plans to improve the process will assist in this.



  • AGREED to implement the decision as set out in the non-key executive decision for the Highways Capital Programme 2017/18


Other Options Considered:

  • To not implement the decision.


Reasons for Decision:

  • Reassurances had been given regarding improvements to the process going forward which will include the introduction of a specialist software system “Horizons” which will inform all future Capital Programmes. 
  • The work had to be completed and should proceed.


Supporting documents: