Agenda item

P1358.16 and P1359.16 - 1 BRINDLES, HORNCHURCH


The report before members detailed two applications, the first seeking planning permission for a single storey rear extension. The extension measured a maximum 4m in depth from the existing ground floor rear wall and would be 3.25m high to a flat roof. The second seeking planning permission for a loft conversion. This would involve raising the gable ends of the existing main roof, forming a rear dormer, raising the existing gable ended rear projection and adding five new roof lights to the front of the property.



Members noted that the applications had been called-in by Councillor Steven Kelly due to the potential impact upon The Brindles street scene and his general concerns relating to cul-de-sac development.


In accordance with the public speaking arrangements the Committee was addressed by an objector with a response by the applicant.


The objector expressed concern at the loss of amenity he would suffer from the proposed rear extension. His concerns regarding the proposed loft conversion related to the bulk and height of the development, that it was not in keeping with the surrounding properties or the wider street scene, its unfavourable appearance when viewed from the rear of the property and the loss of privacy/overlooking due to a very intrusive development. An additional letter providing additional information in support of his objection was circulated to Members.


The applicant advised that he and his family were committed to the local community and he had taken on board concerns regarding the size of the proposed extension reducing it from 6m in depth to 4m and removing the roof lantern to reduce the overall height of the extension from 3.94m to a more considerate 3.25m.


With regard to the loft conversion the applicant explained that two of the 5 bedrooms were small and he was looking to provide more space for his family. He was just following the precedent set by a neighbouring property which had 3 dormers.


During the debate Members discussed both applications and their impact on the amenity and privacy of the neighbouring properties.


Although both applications were considered together they were voted on separately.



P1358.16 it was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out in the report.


P1359.16 it wasRESOLVED that planning permission be refused for the following reasons:


·         The proposed loft conversion by reason of its bulk, scale, mass and design is visually intrusive, out of keeping with the scale and character of the existing dwelling, as well as the rear garden environment and wider streetscene. The development is considered to cause unacceptable harm to the character and appearance of the subject building and therefore conflicts with the aims of Policy DC61 of the Councils LDF Core Strategy and Development Control Policies DPD and ‘Residential Extensions and Alterations’ SPD. It furthermore conflicts with the National Planning Policy Framework to secure high quality design that maintains or enhances the character and appearance of the local area.


Councillors Donald, Hawthorn, Martin, Misir, Nunn, Smith, Wallace, White, Whitney and Williamson voted to refuse planning permission.


Councillor Kelly abstained.