Agenda and minutes

Rainham & Wennington and South Hornchurch Working Party - Tuesday, 24th February, 2015 6.00 pm

Venue: Havering Town Hall, Main Road, Romford

Contact: Richard Cursons 01708 432430  Email:

No. Item


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To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 16 September 2014 and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.


The minutes of the meeting held on 16th September 2015 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.




An update will be given at the meeting.


A presentation was given on the area of Rainham and Beam Park.  It was noted that there had been a two-stage approval with the GLA and a decision would be given in April 2015.  Officers stated that there were a number of GLA owned sites in the area, particularly in the neighbouring borough of Barking and Dagenham, where the Housing Zone bid would have a good influence and be very timely.


There was a lengthy discussion about the need for more homes but also the necessary infrastructure including health and school establishments.  Officers stated that this would all be identified as part of the plan, and it was thought that two new primary schools would be included in the area.  It was noted that de-designated industrial land could now be used for residential.  There was a growing housing need in Havering and with a slight upturn in the property market this area was a good regeneration opportunity for Havering.


Members raised concern about the medical facilities and the pressure that more houses would put on the local hospitals.  Officers explained that they were in consultation with Public Health and it was hoped that clinics in the area would reduce the strain on the hospitals.  A member stated that he was on the Passenger Transport Liaison Committee, given there would be between 8,000 and 12,000 more residents in the borough this was a concern that Queen’s Hospital would be looking into.


The members noted that approximately 3457 new homes would be provided, these would be a mixed density including some family homes and more flats closer to the station.  Officers were working to include better transport to the area in the form of bus routes and the new Beam Park Station.  The cost of the station would be approximately £18 million.  It was thought that the station would be in place by 2020.


A number of challenges were discussed including the low land values, fragmented land ownership and the dominance of the A1306.  Officers highlighted the vision and stated that there was potential as the area could be an asset for a sustainable environment. 


A lengthy discussion was had about transport links to the areas, it was hoped that by extending the bus routes into the area this would assist young people in accessing the employment, together with the new station at Beam Park.  Members raised concerns about the proposed Linear Park on the A1306, in relation to the maintenance. 



An update will be given at the meeting.


A presentation was given on the London Riverside BID Opportunity Study.  A Business Improvement District (BID) was established in March 2007, with a successful renewal in 2012 for a further 5 years.  Officers showed a number of key features of the London Riverside BID.  Members noted that Havering, the business in the area and the GLA worked together as part of the BID.  This area provided the highest payment of business rates in the borough so it was important that the join working with the GLA was continued to make the area much more viable.


Members noted the initial recommendations for the area as a whole.  These included the target sectors, the environmental improvements, the public transport links and cohesive approach.  The particular preferred options for active involvement in a number of areas in the London Riverside were also discussed including specific recommendations for the Freightmaster Estate, Ferry Lane/ eastern A13 junction, Beam Reach 6, Rainham Marshes and Ford Motor Company. 


Members asked about leisure activities and facilities being provided in the area.  Officers stated that a feasibility study had been carried out and this was not seen to be a viable business in the area.  Officers stated that they may look to provide a “pop-up” business in the summer months to attract footfall.






An update will be given at the meeting.


An update was given on the A1306 Framework.  Officers stated that the framework would need the backing of members, stakeholders and the wider community as they did not want to impose the project on the community.  It was important to have community engagement and there would be an exhibition in the Rainham Library and at Orchard Village.  Officers would feedback on the framework in Summer 2015.  Following endorsement by Cabinet, this would then be established into the Local Plan and give a framework for developers to follow in relation to any developments in the area.


Officers stated that advertising of the consultation would be included in the next edition of Living which would go to all households and all members would be invited to a stakeholder event as part of the consultation.


Members raised concerns about the A1306 currently being used by traffic from the A13 when an accident occurs.  Officers stated that they would look to make this more difficult since there would be new homes in the area and this needed to be more residential.  There would also be more scope for bus routes in the area. Members raised concerns about the flood plains and how the houses would be constructed in the area to take account of this.


Members raised concern about the cleaning regime that currently took place on the A1306.  The current grass verge in the area was not maintained and there was concern that this would be the case for the Linear Park.  Officers would speak with Streetcare colleagues about the issues raised.









The Opportunities Area Planning Framework (OAPF) was one of a suite of documents which supported the London Plan produced by the Mayor.  Riverside land within Havering, Newham and Barking and Dagenham was defined as the London Riverside Opportunity Areas in the plan and will provide approximately 7000 new jobs.


Officers have already commented informally on the draft document to the Mayor’s planning officer team.  The latest version of the document was launched for public consultation in early February and there was a formal launch evening on 25th February 2015.  Officers reported that the document closely aligns with the Council’s own planning and ecomonic development objectives for the Havering part of London Riverside and can be broadly supported.  The document would give guidance for Economic Development and Planning in Havering by setting out the styles and community issues as well as transport which was a key part of the document.


A copy of the document is available for inspection in the Member’s Resource Room.





An update was given on the Bus Study that had been carried out.  Officers stated that at present no bus route accessed the London Riverside area which meant business have difficulty in recruiting to jobs as employees need access to a car.  The current bus routes end at either at Rainham Station or CEME.  It was hoped to be able to get a route down through the area from Romford.  A business case will be given to TfL to demonstrate that the service is necessary and would be financially viable.


Officers suggested that initially the 103 route would be extended down to Tilda Rice, with a further four other routes to be included.  In the long term it was hoped to have a route from east to west, from Havering Riverside into Barking and Dagenham.  Officers would update the next meeting with further information.





A presentation on the Rainham Royals was given.  Members noted that it was built 15 years ago to provide space for the Royals organisation to provide youth services to the local community.  There were over 30 community groups that used the facility including a nursery running at the Royals. 


Funding had been secured totalling £500,000 from the GLA, Veolia North Thames Trust and London Borough of Havering.  A new second floor had been delivered together with a refurbishment of the ground and first floors and a new upgraded lift had been installed.  The project also involved revitalising that area of public realm next to the Royals utilising £25k from Veolia North Thames Trust.  The project was nearing completion and including the planting of new tress, improved seating and upgraded fencing.  Volunteers were used for the planting and already a drop in vandalism to the area has been noticed.


The centre was due to have an official opening day in Spring 2015, the date would be circulated to members.  Members express thanks to the officers concerned in terms of delivering this project.







A technical school currently being delivered from a temporary site at CEME was now looking for a new permanent building.  It was hoped that the school would be sited at CEME.  Officers explained that they were keen that the school stayed in the south of the Borough, and were seeking to ensure a permanent school building was delivered.




It is planned that the Working Party will meet on a quarterly cycle.


The following dates are suggested for the forthcoming calendar year:


Tuesday 12 May 2015 6.00pm, Tuesday 8 September 2015 6.00pm & Tuesday 1 December 2015 6.00pm


The Committee noted the dates of the future meetings:


Tuesday 12 May 2015 at 6:00pm

Tuesday 8 September 2015 at 6:00pm

Tuesday 1 December 2015 at 6:00pm




To consider any other item in respect of which the Chairman is of the opinion, by reason of special circumstances which will be specified in the minutes, that the item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency


A member asked if there were any policies which could help protect local businesses.  He stated there had been a dry-cleaners, cobblers and key cutting service in Rainham, however due to the same services being provided by Tesco these smaller businesses had now disappeared.  Officers stated that there was nothing in the planning system.  Whilst there needed to be a balance of some frontages, such as banks and hot food takeaways, there was nothing that protect businesses from competition.