Agenda and minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 12th February, 2014 1.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1-Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Lorraine Hunter-Brown 01708 432436  Email:

No. Item



The Chairman will announce details of the arrangements in case of fire or other events that might require the meeting room or building’s evacuation.


The Chairman announced details of the arrangements in the event of a fire or other event that would require evacuation of the meeting room.





(If any) – receive



Apologies were received and noted. 



Members are invited to disclose any pecuniary interest in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting.  Members may still disclose any pecuniary interest in any item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.


None were disclosed.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 92 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Committee held on 11 December 2013 and 8 January 2014 and to authorise the Chairman to sign them. 

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 11 December 2013 were agreed in principal pending the reinstatement of item 78. 


The Board considered and agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 8 January 2014 and authorised the Chairman to sign them.






None were raised.



To discuss the allocations for 2015/2016 and agree priorities.


Written report by Joy Hollister.  Presented by Alan Steward and Barbara Nicholls.


Additional documents:


Following the detailed guidance received at the Board meeting in December 2013, the draft submission for the Better Care Fund Programme (formerly the Integration Transformation Fund) was presented to Board members. The report outlined the joint view of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and the Local Authority in their approach for greater integration in care delivery and commissioning. The draft submission was due to be forwarded to NHS England by 14 February 2014 and that a final version would be formally submitted on April 4 2014, therefore, committed judgements on performance, financial commitments and outcomes needed to be clear by that date. A condition of accessing the funding is that there must be joint spending plans and that these plans must meet certain requirements.


The Better Care Fund (BCF) had three key objectives:


·                     Ensuring more joined up and effective commissioning including procurement, specification and contracting of NHS and ASC services

·                     Delivering more integrated solutions for citizens /service users and patients at the most appropriate and local level possible

·                     Ensuring improved management of the use of high cost resources through targeted and GP centric and locality interventions , so avoiding hospital and long term care home admissions


Members were advised that a formal pooled fund, totalling circa £16.884m would be created from April 2015. This would combine Section 256 allocations into a single resource together with the Disabled Facilities grant and Adult Social Care capital grant.  During the course of 2014-15 an allocation of these monies would be utilised by Havering in meeting the key objectives together with, in part, the protection of Adult Social Care and related expenditure for implementation of the Care Bill. 


It was noted that Havering’s allocation using the social care relative needs formula (RNF) is expected to be £4.609m, of which £838k is related to the additional funding. The funding in 2014/15 would be subject to the same conditions attached to the existing transfer.

It was agreed that the Authority and CCG were building on excellent foundations and that the establishment of the Integrated Care Coalition (ICC) had formed a good basis from which to drive the project forward. 


The BCF is associated with a number of national performance indicators and targets which would require sign off at a national level against local benchmarking and self-identified ambition. The performance targets are:


·                     Reducing admissions to long term care homes

·                     Effectiveness of reablement

·                     Delayed transfers of care

·                     Avoidable emergency admissions

·                     Patient and service user experience;


In addition, one measure would be determined locally, and it was recommended that it be associated with carers so as to complement the emphasis in the Care Bill for a renewed focus on this area of policy. It was noted that the aim was keep people away from hospital, in particular, those with learning difficulties or dementia and to provide more care in their own homes.


The Board agreed that further voluntary and community input would be required and that community groups should be approached. Members were advised that Futuregov had opened the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



To note the acheivements for 2013 and priorities for 2014.


Written report presented by Kathy Bundred.


The Board received an updated report on the progress made against the six priorities in the Children and Young People’s Plan 2011- 2014 (CYPP), which sets out the strategic aims of the Children’s Trust.


The six priorities are:


·                     Ensure children and young people are protected from abuse and neglect

·                     Increase breastfeeding

·                     Reduce child poverty

·                     Reduce teenage conceptions and terminations rates

·                     Support complex families

·                     Improve access to the most effective therapies


Priority 1



The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) went live in 2012, with colleagues from the Metropolitan Police and Health representatives co-located with specialist social care staff in Mercury House.  A detailed review of the effectiveness of MASH implementation and operation has revealed that the development and implementation of MASH has been achieved with the necessary governance and commitment.  Although there have been some difficulties encountered, this has been overall a successful implementation. Some issues remain, including difficulties in the retention of suitably qualified and experienced staff which is not unique to Havering. 

Members of the Board queried whether some children at risk would be overlooked if perhaps they are new to the Borough and/or not registered with a GP. Officers concurred that this could be a possibility and the Board agreed that the Communications team would put information onto the Havering website about GP registration and eligibility for the free nursery scheme.

Early Help

Havering has established a one multi-disciplinary team in the central children’s centres locality, which delivers a coordinated service to families whose children may not be at immediate risk of harm but who still require some form of support.  By addressing problems at the earliest opportunity, such provision will reduce the risk of the needs of these families increasing to a point at which they are in crisis and social care needs to intervene in a more robust and legally-based manner. 

Troubled Families

The Troubled Families programme is making significant progress in drawing agencies together to work in a new and more effective ways.  Closer collaboration of partners involved in the protection of CYP, be it through MASH or through other support mechanisms, will help Havering adapt to potential challenges brought by population migration from other London boroughs.

LB Havering has implemented Strengthening Families, a new approach to child protection, which uses families’ strengths and protective factors to develop child protection plans with greater input from that family. 



Viewpoint, a new web-based tool for LAC or subject to a child protection plan, to contribute their views to the review of their plan, was launched in late 2012. 

More than 50 children on Child Protection Plans or in the care of the Council have given their views through Viewpoint. 


The tenders for the Short Breaks (aka Respite) provider contracts were evaluated with CYP, their views contributing to 10% of the overall score.  There was also the opportunity for parents to influence final decision making. 


Priority 2


In 2011/12, 71.1% of mothers in Havering gave their babies breast milk in the first 48 hours after delivery,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



To receive an update following the CQC implementation of special measures.


Written report presented by Conor Burke.




The Board noted the BHRUT CQC Executive Summary and Report which outlined the key findings and the Special Measures implemented which included the following:


·                     The requirement for the Trust to develop an improvement plan.

·                     That an organisational capability review be conducted by Sir Ian Carruthers over the 15 and 16 January 2014.

·                     A Board to Board meeting in February.

·                     The Trust Development Agency will appoint an Improvement Director.

·                     The Trust will receive support from the TDA Special Measures Director.

·                     The Trust is buddied with a Foundation Trust for peer support.


The Chief Executive informed the Board that a meeting had been held on 10 February 2014 with representatives from Queens and NELFT regarding the Hospital Improvement Plan which required the agreement and input of all three boroughs. It was agreed that this would be a challenge however all parties were equally committed and acknowledged that it was essential that they work together. It was necessary for the Trust to demonstrate that it was addressing financial issues and that systems were moving in the right direction. The outcome of the review on senior leadership was imminent and that an Improvement Manager had been engaged.  The Board were advised that the Chief Executive of the Council and the Chief Officer of BHRUT would be meeting with the Trust Development Agency.






The Board agreed to support the bid for Havering GPs together with GP practices from Redbridge and Barking and Dagenham in a collective proposal to the Prime Minister’s Access Fund for financing significant improvements in local Primary Care. The Chairman agreed to forward a letter of support, on behalf of the Board, to the Secretary of State. 




Members are asked to note the date of the next Health and Wellbeing Board meeting will be 19 March 2014 at 1.30 pm.


Members of the Board were asked to note that the next meeting would take place on 19 March 2014 at 1.30 pm.


It was agreed to hold a Health and Wellbeing Board meeting in early May 2014.