Agenda, decisions and minutes

Council Tax, Cabinet - Wednesday, 10th February, 2016 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall

Contact: Grant Soderberg tel: 01708 433091  e-mail:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 161 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2016, and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.


The minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2016 were agreed as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.


THE COUNCIL'S BUDGET 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 412 KB

Additional documents:




1.            Considered the advice of the Chief Finance Officer as set out in Appendix H when it recommended the Council budget.


2.            Approved the following budgets for 2016/17:


·           The Council’s draft General Fund budget as set out in Appendix E, formulated on the basis of:

o    An ELWA levy based on the anticipated budget and levy increase, and

o    The other assumptions set out in the report.

·           The delegated schools’ draft budget

·           The capital programme as set out in Paragraph 3.28 of the report and Appendix I,


3.            Delegated to the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executives the implementation of the 2016/17 capital and revenue proposals once approved by Council unless further reports or Cabinet Member authorities were required as detailed in the report.


4.            Agreed that the Deputy Chief Executive Communities and Resources be authorised to allocate funding from the Capital contingency included within the draft capital programme.


5.             Agreed that the relevant Cabinet Member, together with the Leader, be delegated authority to commence tender processes and accept tenders for capital schemes included within the approved capital programme.


6.            Agreed that to facilitate the usage of unringfenced resources, the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executives would review any such new funds allocated to Havering; make proposals for their use; and get them approved by the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Financial Management.


7.            Delegated to the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executives the authority to make any necessary changes to services and the associated budgets relating to any subsequent specific grant funding announcements, where delays might otherwise have an adverse impact on service delivery and/or budgetary control, subject to consultation as appropriate.


8.            Approved the schedule of Fees and Charges set out in Appendix K, with any recommended changes in-year being implemented under Cabinet Member delegation.


9.            Agreed that if there were any changes to the GLA precept and/or levies, the Chief Executive should be authorised to amend the recommended resolutions accordingly and report these to Council on 24 February 2016.


That in addition, Cabinet Recommends to Council:


10.       The General Fund budget for 2016/17


·           The Council Tax for Band D properties and for other Bands of properties, all as set out in Appendix E to the report, as revised and circulated for the Greater London Authority (GLA) Council Tax.

·           The delegated schools’ budget for 2016/17, as set out in Appendix F of the report.

·           The Capital Programme for 2016/17 as set out in paragraph 3.28 and supported by Annexes 2, 3 and 4 of Appendix I of the report.


11.         That it pass a resolution as set out in section 3.32.5 of the report to enable Council Tax discounts to be given at the existing level



Councillor Roger Ramsey, Leader of the Council, introduced the report


The Leader reminded those present about the general economic and fiscal climate which the current budget had to address.  He stated that the continuing Government policy of cutting funding to local authorities placed an ever increasing burden on them to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.


Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Prudential Indicators and Minimum Revenue Provision Statement for 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 355 KB

Additional documents:


Cabinet approved:


1.            The Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS) including the additional text submitted after the agenda had been published.


2.            The Prudential Indicators set out in Appendix B of the report


3.            The Annual Minimum Revenue Provision statement for 2016/17 set out in Appendix C of the report



Councillor Clarence Barrett, Cabinet member for Financial Management, introduced the report


Cabinet was reminded that in February 2011 the Authority had adopted the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s Treasury Management in the Public Services: Code of Practice 2011 Edition (the CIPFA Code) which required the Authority to approve  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42.


HRA Budget for 2016/2017 and HRA Major Works Capital Programme 2016/17 - 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 1 MB




1.            Approved the Housing Revenue Account Budget as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report. 


2.            Agreed that the average rents chargeable for tenants in general needs Council properties owned by the London Borough of Havering be decreased by 1% from the w/c 4 April 2016 in line with the indicative figures contained in paragraph 2.1.6 of the report.


3.            Agreed that the average rents chargeable for tenants in supported housing Council properties, such as sheltered housing and hostels, owned by the London Borough of Havering, be increased by 0.9% from the w/c 4 April 2016 in line with the indicative figures contained in paragraph 2.1.6 and 2.1.7 of the report.


4.            Delegated agreement of the exact amounts chargeable to the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Deputy Chief Executive - Communities and Resources, following publication by Government of the rent calculation formula.


5.            Confirmed the four rent-free weeks for 2016/17 as being: w/c 22 August 2016, the two weeks commencing 19 and 26 December 2016, and the week commencing 27 March 2017.


6.            Confirmed that service charges and heating and hot water charges for 2016/17 would remain the same as in 2015/16 as detailed in paragraph 2.2.2 of the report.


7.            Confirmed that the service charge for homeless households accommodated in the Council’s hostels should remain unchanged for 2016/17 as detailed in paragraph 2.2.3 of the report.


8.            Confirmed that charges for garages should remain unchanged for 2016/17 as detailed in paragraph 2.3.1 of the report. 


9.            Confirmed that the service charge for the provision of security and support in sheltered housing (first introduced in 2015/16) should remain unchanged for 2016/17 as detailed in paragraph 2.4.1 of the report.


10.         Confirmed that the Careline support charge would remain unchanged for 2016/17 as detailed in paragraph 2.5.1 of the report.


11.         Confirmed that the Telecare support charges should remain unchanged for 2016/17 as detailed in paragraph 2.5.1 of the report.


12        Confirmed that the £0.5m identified in the budget for 2015/16to fund the replacement of the Housing Management system would be carried forward to 2016/17.


13        Agreed the HRA Major Works Capital Programme, detailed in Appendix 2 of this report and referred it to full Council for final ratification.


14        Delegated authority to agree individual environmental improvement works in the Capital Programme to the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Deputy Chief Executive of Communities and Resources following recommendation from the Head of Housing Services and the identification of appropriate funding.


15        Agreed that a further report should be presented to Cabinet in September 2016 with an amended HRA Business Plan.




Councillor Damian White, Cabinet member for Housing, introduced the report


Cabinet was informed that the report set a budget for the Council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and HRA Major Works Programme and that it also provided an update to the 10 year HRA Business Plan.


The HRA remained a ring-fenced  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43.


London Borough of Bexley joining the oneSource Joint Committee pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Additional documents:




1.            Agreed to the London Borough of Bexley joining oneSource as a member of the Joint Committee.


2.            Agreed to the shared delivery of financial services and functions with Bexley as set out in the report and its appendices.


3.            As recommendations 1 and 2 above were agreed, confirmed the revised Joint Committee and Delegation Agreement attached in Annex A to the report.


4.            Delegated to the Managing Director of oneSource in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Value, all further actions and decisions required to finalise the revised Joint Committee Agreement.


5.            Noted:


a)     That further negotiations were taking place for additional services to be added to oneSource


b)     That the revised Distribution Formula attached as Schedule D to the Agreement with the recalculation of the funding agreement percentages were to be finalised as soon as practicable in the next financial year after the final budgets were known for each Joint Committee member.



Councillor Ron Ower, Cabinet member for the Housing Company Development and oneSource Management, introduced the report


Cabinet was informed that as part of oneSource’s commitment to provide a stronger base and continue driving down costs, the report before Cabinet recommended approval for the London Borough of Bexley to join the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44.


Agreement to adopt the Rainham and Beam Park Masterplan and Planning Framework as non statutory planning guidance pdf icon PDF 512 KB

Additional documents:




1.         Agreed to adopt the Rainham and Beam Park Masterplan and Planning Framework as a non-statutory planning policy document that would be a material planning             consideration when considering development proposals in the Rainham and Beam Park area.


2.         Agreed to the Council working proactively with developers and key stakeholders to bring forward developments that met the aspirations of the Masterplan and Planning Framework and to take forward the actions proposed in the Masterplan and Planning Framework.



Councillor Ron Ower, Cabinet member for the Housing Company Development and oneSource Management, introduced the report


Cabinet was reminded that following its approval on the 24 September 2014 of the Rainham and Beam Park Housing Zone project, a bid had been submitted to the Greater London Authority (GLA).  The submission  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45.


Housing Zone Gateway Delivery Strategy pdf icon PDF 282 KB

Additional documents:




1.            Agreed to the Council entering into direct negotiations with land-owners to purchase sites by private treaty as the opportunities arose.


2.            Agreed to the Council implementing the Housing Zone Land Acquisition Strategy including the principle of using the Council’s CPO powers to acquire land interests the extent of which were shown in the annexed plan to the report edged red (Appendix One)and thereby embarking on the formalities necessary for the making of the CPO.


3.            Agreed to the Council in principle using the Council’s Capital Contingency to fund land acquisitions to the value of £1.2m.


4.            Agreed to the Council working with its wholly-owned company Mercury Land Holdings to bring forward quality housing either on its own or in partnership with other developers on land acquired. 


5.            Delegated to the Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for the Housing Company Development & One Source Management and the Group Director Community and Resources, the authority to approve the making of a CPO for confirmation by the Secretary of State.


6.            Delegated to the Leader of the Council, the Head of Property and the Group Director Community and Resources, the authority to approve land negotiations and the acquisition of sites by private treaty by various means and to approve the relocation of businesses within the A1306 corridor where appropriate.




Councillor Ron Ower, Cabinet member for the Housing Company Development and oneSource Management, introduced the report


Cabinet was informed that the report before it sought its approval to implement the Housing Zone Land Acquisition Strategy which included approval in principle to the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46.