Agenda and minutes

Towns & Communities Overview & Scrutiny Sub- Committee - Tuesday, 1st May, 2012 7.30 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Main Road, Romford

Contact: Richard Cursons (01708 432430)  E-mail:

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 177 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of 15 February 2012 and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.



The minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2012 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.




Committee Administration officers presented a report detailing the outcomes of the Ageing Well event held earlier in the year. This had been an event organised, with support from the Centre for Public Scrutiny, for stakeholders to consider issues impacting on the older population in Havering. Members were invited to review the issues and themes raised during the event and to consider which of these could be included within the Committee's work programme for the coming year.


During discussions members considered possible improvements to bus services during the evening, declining memberships at libraries and inclusion of the voluntary sector in housing issues.




Presentation to the Committee by the Head of Culture and Leisure Services


Committee members received a presentation from Simon Parkinson, Head of Culture and Leisure Services.


Members were advised that a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) had been submitted in September 2007. An HLF award had been made in February 2008 and works to the museum had been completed in early 2010 allowing for a soft opening in (February 2010 and a full opening in May 2010.


It was noted that the total project costs equalled £1.74m which was made up of capital £1.044m; activity costs of £572,000 and other costs equalling £125,000. Funding from the HLF (£990k); former developers (£150k); Section 106 monies (£126k) and a contribution from Veolia (£30k) had met these costs. Other funding “in kind” (eg volunteering costs) were also included.


The Council sub-leased the property along with Countryside Properties and then sub-sub-leased it with Havering Museum Ltd for a period of 35 years from June 2007.


Members noted that Havering Museum Limited taken over responsibility since 01/04/2011. HLF were continuing to fund up until March 2013 but this period may be extended and the Council were covering Curator costs up to December 2012.


At present the Museum averaged around 33 paying customers per day.


Members also noted that visitors to the museum had been happy with the quality of the displays.


It was also noted that the museum relied heavily on the income paying visitors but the visitor numbers were not high enough at present. There were also meeting rooms that could be hired within the museum but lettings had not been as high as expected.


Members were advised that a small gift shop existed within the museum.


It was also suggested that a café would enhance the social experience of visiting the museum.


During discussions members questioned whether consideration had been given to the possibility of the museum being funded by donations and whether the Gift Aid model was in place for entrance fees.


Officers undertook to investigate and report back to members.


It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee should take place at the museum to give members an idea of the experience.


Members thanked the officer for his presentation.













Attached is a report on work carried out in the last municipal year.


The Committee are asked to agree the content and authorise the Chairman to sign off.


The Committee received a report on the work that had been carried out over the last municipal year. The Committee was informed that the items discussed at this meeting would be included before it was signed off by the Chairman.


The Committee agreed the contents and authorised the Chairman to sign off the final version.