Issue - meetings


Meeting: 18/07/2018 - Health Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Item 6)


Report attached.

Additional documents:


It was noted that Havering had missed its target on levels of obesity in reception age children. Obesity levels doubled over the primary school years and a report on this that had recently been taken to the Health and Wellbeing Board, could be circulated to the Sub-Committee. Central Government was now more directive as regards obesity and the Council also sought to use its green spaces and leisure facilities to get people more active.


Children were weighed as part of a national survey when they started school.  Schools did offer healthy meals but it was uncertain it was uncertain what proportion of children had school meals or brought their own food. There was a a link between obesity and levels of deprivation.


Some 67% of respondents were satisfied with their out of hospital GP service, which was just above the national average. Officers could circulate examples of letters that were sent to parents of children assessed as overweight. These gave details of where parents could get appropriate advice. Some schools did encourage their pupils to walk and Members felt this should be encouraged.  Only in rare cases were cases of being overweight linked to medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism. Officers would circulate details of the Couchto5k  app and website which were designed to improve fitness levels.


Delayed transfers of care (patients who were medically for discharge but remained in hospital) did not currently have a specific target as the methodology had recently changed. Some recent cases had been due to problems with community health care such as lack of availability of district nursing.


A breast feeding scheme was due to be launched in Havering the following day and further details could be to the Sub-Committee.


The Sub-Committee noted the performance information.