Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/02/2018 - Highways Advisory Committee (Item 162)


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The report before the Committee detailed the responses to the public advertisement of proposed banned right turns into and out of a supermarket site development at 31 High Street, Hornchurch. The bans were sought in pursuance of a condition of the site’s planning consent.


The Committee was informed of a late letter addressed to the Chairman. The content of the letter outlined an objection to the planning consent for the development and did not relate to the matters now before the committee for consideration. 


With its agreement Councillors John Wood and Reg Witney addressed the Committee.


Councillor Wood stated that ward councillors felt the original decision of the Regulatory Services Committee to ban the right turns was a good idea, but on reflection, there were now concerns. Councillor Wood had concerns that the new layout could confuse car users and undermine highway safety. Councillor Wood stated that ward councillors wanted the matter deferred and for the traffic issues to be reviewed once the store was opened.


In response, officers reiterated that the issue raised was embedded in the planning consent for the development at the site.


Councillor Witney stated that the way forward in planning terms would be for Lidl to submit a planning application to remove the condition.


During the debate, a Member indicated that engineers working for the store were of the opinion that the ban on right turns was not required.


Another Member sought clarification on how the right turns would be prevented. The Committee was informed that the proposals would be enforced through a combination of physical layout and signage.


During the debate members considered uses of different signage and considered the pros and cons of alternative schemes such as the construction of a mini-roundabout or signalled entry to the new store.


A Member reminded the Committee of a similar situation at the KFC site at Gallows Corner which led to an increase in traffic issues following its opening but over time the issues were resolved. The Member accepted that the proposals should be implemented and was of the opinion that any issues would resolve themselves over time.


A Member suggested that the scheme should be rejected as drivers would look to avoid the ban on right turns undermining highway safety.


Officers reiterated the view of the Highways services that the scheme should be implemented as it was a condition of a planning consent.


Following the debate, the Committee RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Regulatory Services and Community Safety that the banned right turns set out in the report and shown on drawing 16/0705/SK04B be implemented.


Members noted that the estimated cost of £0.002m for implementation would be met by the developer of 31 High Street, Hornchurch, through fees secured with an agreement made under S278 of the Highways Act 1980.


Members also noted that the banned right turns set out in the report would be enforced by the Council.


The voting to proceed with the scheme was 8 in favour of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 162