Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/10/2017 - Planning Committee (Item 331)



The application before Members was for enabling works to prepare a site for development, including clearing of on-site structures, addressing contamination, importation and positioning of crushed material on site for up to nine months (preventing future settlement), localised piling and installation of band drainage.


With its agreement Councillor David Durant wished to address the Committee in relation to this application and the following two other applications (P1058.17/P0782.17) on the agenda as a whole.


Councillor Durant commented that although the applications before the Committee were outline plans with more detailed applications to follow, it was important that all the proposals were sustainable going forward.


It was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out in the report and to include the following amendments.


Condition 4. Details of the approach for deliveries and lorry routing were set out in the submitted Construction Logistics Plan. The wording of the condition could therefore be amended to read.


“HGV access to and from the site shall be via the A13/ Marsh Way junction and use of the A1306 only for the section between Marsh Way and Thames Avenue, in line with the approach set out within the Construction Logistic Plan and as illustrated in the Logistics Plan Drawing LPSKenb 001 A, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.”


Conditions 5 and 6 to be replaced by a single condition requiring the provision of temporary car parking and cycle parking as set out in the submitted Construction Logistics Plan.  Condition to be worded as follows:


“Prior to the commencement of the operations hereby permitted 37 temporary car parking spaces and 2 temporary Sheffield stands for cycles should be provided on site in line with the submitted Construction Logistics Plan and subsequent e-mail exchange with TfL dated 15 October 2017 and should be retained thereafter for the duration of the construction phase.”


Condition 8 (to be Condition 7) Borehole Decommissioning to be re-worded as follows.


“During the spreading of fill material all monitoring wells within the surcharge area for the investigation of soils, groundwater or geotechnical purposes should be protected. The headworks of the identified wells would be revised and then would be protected by concrete rings during the raising of the ground levels. In those circumstances, where protection was not possible, wells should be decommissioned in line with Environment Agency guidance and, if required, may need to be re-drilled in the future. Prior to the removal of surcharge material, a scheme detailing how remaining monitoring wells were to be decommissioned and how any boreholes that needed to be retained post development, for monitoring purposes, should be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.” 


Add the following condition:


“All works undertaken in connection with this planning permission should be carried out in complete accordance with the submitted Construction Method Statement/Management Plan.


Reason: To ensure that the development did not cause adverse impact on the surrounding area.”


Conditions to be re-numbered as required.