Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/04/2017 - Children & Learning Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Item 25)



Officers advised that the higher birth rate in Havering was leading to increased demand for Early Years places. Provision for Early Years was therefore in the process of being increased in several wards such as Mawney, Harold Wood and Rainham & Wennington. Opportunities to meet this need were also being explored with the voluntary sector.


Expansion works were also in progress at a number of primary schools including Pyrgo, Mead and Hylands. A number of primary school expansions were also planned in the Rainham and South Hornchurch areas although it was possible these could be deferred due to a delay in the Rainham Village development. A site for a 3 form entry school had been identified for this area. The school would be run by a Multi-Agency Trust and was currently expected to open in 2020.


Additional secondary school capacity had already been introduced and several schools’ admission numbers had been rounded up which had allowed more first preferences to be offered. Nearly all secondary schools in the central area had been expanded and a new secondary school was also forecast to be needed by 2022. Site specifications for this would be included in the Local Plan.


As regards Special Needs, schools had been identified for three Primary Additionally Resourced Provisions (ARPs) . In the longer term, a new 60 place Special School would also be needed and £5-6 million capital investment from central Government would be required for this. Targetted funding for existing Special Schools had also been announced with a focus on Special Educational Needs and Autustic Spectrum disorders. Options for sponsors and a site for the new school had not been finalised as yet.


It was accepted that the Dycourts Special School building was currently in a poor condition.This school was now an Academy, operating under the Hornbeam Academy Trust. The Council could liaise with the School Commissioner over the condition of the building. The Sub-Committee agreed that it was unhappy with the quality and standard of provision at Dycourts School and the Director of Children’s Services would report back on this after a planned visit to the school in June.


It was suggested that the National Autistic Society could be approached to be the sponsor of the new Special School which was likely to be a new build facility. The risk of any change in Government policy on funding of schools varied as some proposals were furher forward than others. Capital funding for the next two years ws however secured.


The Sub-Committee noted the report.