Issue - meetings


Meeting: 04/04/2017 - Highways Advisory Committee (Item 98)


Additional documents:


The report before the Committee detailed responses to a consultation for the provision of a two metre width restriction in Faircross Avenue which was implemented on an experimental basis and now for consideration on whether or not the restriction should be made permanent.


At its meeting in August 2015, the Committee considered a request for implementation of a width restriction in Faircross Avenue. The request was made by Councillor Best followed by the submission of a 62 signature petition from local residents.


At its meeting in October 2016, the Committee considered a report on the outcome of a consultation on an experimental traffic scheme which provided a 2 metre width restriction in Faircross Avenue, just north of its junction with the Drive and decided to defer a decision in order to allow ward councillors, residents and staff to discuss a way forward.


The report informed that Committee that officers and ward councillors met on 9 November 2016 to discuss an appropriate way forward. The consensus was that a further consultation should take place to gauge public opinion on further proposals in the wider area as follows;


·         A 2 metre width restriction placed in Lawns Way, just northwest of its junction with The Drive;


A “point” 7.5 tonne weight limit on Gobions Avenue at its junction with Chase Cross Road. This restriction would be an “absolute” limit forbidding all HGV traffic as opposed to the current area-wide limit which permitted access. The restriction would be enforced by CCTV camera.


A letter was circulated to about 800 residents within the original consultation area inviting comments on the following two options by 10 February:


·         Option 1 – Make the experimental restriction on Faircross Avenue permanent and implement the measures described above on an experimental basis.


·         Option 2 – Return to the previous situation whereby the Faircross Avenue experimental restriction is removed.


An online survey monkey was also set up to enable people to respond electronically with details of the proposals placed on the consultation area of the Council’s website.


By the close of consultation, 181 responses had been received. 144 (80%) supported Option 1 (further work) and 37 (20%) supported Option 2 (remove the Faircross Avenue experimental scheme).


In terms of people favouring Option 1, the following were the general points made:


·         The existing experiment had reduced heavy traffic in Faircross Avenue,

·         Further measures are required to deal with traffic which had diverted to other streets,

·         The existing restriction was in the wrong location,

·         Speeding was still a problem,

·         Faircross Avenue was a nicer place without lorries passing,

·         Lawns Way needs to be made safer, especially by the park,

·         Streets without traffic calming required it.


The following comments were made by people who favoured Option 2:


·         Other forms of traffic calming would be preferable to the existing humps,

·         Existing restriction was too narrow,

·         Would prefer camera-enforced absolute weight limits,

·         Scheme should be removed entirely,

·         Restrictions not required,

·         HGVs have diverted and all streets should carry their share,

·         Existing restriction was in the wrong  ...  view the full minutes text for item 98